
  1. Manchukuo Empire Gift Urushi Set/滿洲國賜皿

    Set of free. Orchid flower - Imperial Seal of the Emperor of Manchukuo. 賜 - Gift
  2. Dōngé Banner Countryside Duty Police Officer Badge/東額旗在鄉義務警察官章

    Specimen from the collection of National Museum of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Obverse Double-headed eagle with a shield of the colors of the national flag of Manchukuo. Russian abbreviation П•О.С• /one of the possible decodings; the true decoding of the abbreviation is...
  3. Manetsu-Chosen Railways Badge/南満洲鉄道朝鮮鉄道章

    Most likely these badges were issued to the participants of an unknown conference. Original ribbon is missing. Size 51 x 17 mm. Thickness 7 mm. Stylized combined logos of two railways South Manchurian Railway /Manetsu/...
  4. Manchukuo Lawyers Federation Badges/滿洲律師會聯合會章

    Reverse 滿洲律師會聯合會 - Manchukuo Lawyers Federation Punched number "324".
  5. Binjiang Province Road Protection Corps Official's Badge/濱江省道路愛護團役員章

    1936 Industrial Road Completion Guarding Commemorative Merit Medal https://asiamedals.info/threads/1936-industrial-road-completion-security-commemorative-merit-medal.26578/ Reverse 道路愛護團 - Road Protection Corps/Group 役員章 - Official's/Officer's Badge 濱江省 - Binjiang Province /Manchukuo...
  6. Tokyo City Air Defense Union Visit to Manchukuo Commemoration Badge/1937年東京市連合防護団満州視察記念章

    Silver, gilt, enamel. Size 50.2 x 30 mm. Obverse Tokyo city emblem with an army star. reverse 満州視察記念章 - Visit to Manchukuo Commemoration Badge 東京市聯合防護團 - Tokyo City Air Defense Corp /Bogodan/ Union 昭和十二年五月七日 - May 7, 1937 Suspension and badge marked with 銀純 - pure silver. Details...
  7. Xingjing County Guarding Commemorative Watch Fob/興京県警備紀念章

    Size 25 mm. Obverse Manchukuo flag 紀念 - Commemorative reverse 興京縣 - Xingjing County /currently known as Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County /新賓滿族自治縣; ᠰᡳᠨᠪᡳᠨ ᠮᠠᠨᠵᡠ ᠪᡝᠶᡝ ᡩᠠᠰᠠᠩᡤᠠ ᠰᡳᠶᠠᠨ/ or simply Xinbin County is one of the three counties under the administration of the prefecture-level city...