manufacturer of japanese army badge

  1. Badges and Watch Fobs made by Iwasaki Military Store/岩崎軍製店

    Workshop had branches in Tokyo and Utsunomiya.
  2. Badges made by Kobayashi Matashichi workshop/小林又七

    Tokyo-based workshop was involved in manufacturing different Japanese army badge.
  3. Badges made by Hikotaro Wada workshop/和田彦太郎

    Standart workshop labels, stamps and marks.
  4. Badges and Watch Fobs made by Osuka Watch Shop/大須賀時計店

    Founded on November 3, 1918 it is still active today
  5. Badges, labels and marks of Kishodo workshop/キシヨウ堂

    One of the oldest Japanese badge manufacturing firm was founded on February 10, 1895 in Hiroshima. Initially, the company was only engaged in the production and sale of badges. Later the range of products expanded significantly: uniforms and school uniforms, prizes and souvenirs, cups and...