label of manufacturer of japanese badge

  1. Badges and Watch Fobs made by Iwasaki Military Store/岩崎軍製店

    Workshop had branches in Tokyo and Utsunomiya.
  2. Badges, Silverware and Commemorative Commemorative & Memorabilia Items made by D. Kobayashi Watch Shop/小林時計店

    Kobayashi Watch Shop was operated in Tokyo from the mid-19th century until 1943, producing watches, silverware, badges and jewelry. It was also among suppliers of the Imperial Household Ministry and various government agencies. Standard workshop labels. Typical workshop marks. 純銀 -...
  3. Medals, Badges and Watch Fob made by Takagi Kojyo (Takagi Factory)/高木工場

    Tokyo-based workshop that is known for manufacturing Japan Marine Rescue Association medals and memorabilia
  4. Badges and Watch Fobs made by Kawasaki Medal Company/川崎徽章商會

    Kumamoto-based workshop that was active during 1930s. 川崎徽章商會 - Kawasaki Medal Company 熊本市 - Kumamoto City
  5. Badges and Watch Fobs made by the Tokyo Button and Badge Works/東京釦徴章製作所

    Tokyo Button and Badge Works advertising postcard of National Youth Schools uniform insignia from 1930s.
  6. Badges and Watch fobs made by Isozaki Works/磯崎金精堂

    Osaka based workshop. Workshop labels.
  7. Badges and watch fobs made by Eirakudo workshop/永樂屋謹製

    Workshop from Kobe city.
  8. Medals, badges and watch fobs made by Lion Medal Company/ライオン徽章商会章

    Tokyo-based workshop active during 1920s/1930s. ライオン徽章商會 - Lion Medal Company メダル徽章カッブ - Medals, Badges, Cups
  9. Badges and watch fobs made by Gyokuhōdō workshop/東京玉宝堂

    Famous Tokyo jewellery workshop that was actively involved in badge manufacturing during late 1890s - early 1930s. Two variants of the workshop name inscriptions are known. Old style 東京 玉寶堂 謹製 - Tokyo Made by Gyokuhōdō /Gyokuhō - jewel, precious stone, gem; Dō - Shop/. New style 東京 玉宝堂 謹製...
  10. Badges and watch fobs made by Akita Product Hall/秋田商品舘金銀製作品

    Kendo club watch fob. Sie 29×2.3 mm. Obverse 剣 for 剣道 - Kendo reverse 明治大学剣道部 - Meiji University Kendo Club 昭和三年 - 1928 金銀製作品ハ- Gold and Silver Works 秋田商品舘 - Akita Product Hall 小樽稲穏町 - Otaru, Inan Town
  11. Badges and watch fobs made by Katoya Medal Company/かとや徽章商会

    Tokyo-based workshop. Known workshop labels. Workshop mark "hiragana syllable か inside the circle" /reads Ka for Katoya/ together with pure silver /純銀/ mark. "Kanji 加 inside the circle" /reads Ka for Katoya/.
  12. Yamagata Labor Standards Bureau Merit Badge for No Accident Record/山形労働基準局長無災害記録樹立功績章

    Obverse 功績 - Achievement 労 - Merit reverse 無災害記録樹立功績章 - Merit Badge for Achievement of No Accident Record 山形労働基準局長 - Director of Yamagata Labor Standards Bureau Marked 銀 - silver. Original case. 功績章 - Achievement Badge 山形労働基準局長 - Director of Yamagata Labor Standards Bureau...
  13. Badges and watch fobs made by Sapporo Medal Company/札幌メダル商会

    Founded over 80 years ago the workshop is still active today.
  14. Badges and watch fobs made by Tanaka Medal Works/田中徽章製作所

    Workshop from Himeji City. 田中徽章製作所 - Tanaka Medal Works 姫路市- Himeji City (Hyogo Prefecture)
  15. Badges made by Kobayashi Matashichi workshop/小林又七

    Tokyo-based workshop was involved in manufacturing different Japanese army badge.
  16. Badges and watch fobs made by Yonezawa Medal Works/ヨネザワ徽章製作所

    Workshop from Osaka. School badge.
  17. Badges and Watch Fobs made by Tokyo Medal Works/東京徽章製作所

    One of the main manufacturers of Japan Seafarers Relief Association badges. Standard workshop labels. Japan Seafarers Relief Association 1st class merit badge. 東京徽章製 - made by...
  18. Badges of TOA Medal Works, Tokyo/東亞徽章製作所

    So far the proven period of activity of this workshop is 1934-1935. Proven by newspaper advertisements. The earliest known advertisement that was published on 28.03.1934. The latest on 25.05.1935. Workshop label.
  19. Badges made by Nakatani Kishodo workshop, Kyoto/中谷徽章堂

    The name of this workshop coincides with the name of Mukden workshop Only instead of 中谷時計店 - Nakatani Watch Shop the name of this company reads 中谷徽章堂 - Nakatani Badge (Medal) workshop/Nakatani...
  20. Badges and Watch Fobs of Kobayashi Medal Mfg. Co., Ltd./小林メダル製作所

    Standard label of this workshop from Tokyo. 小林メダル製作所 - Kobayashi Medal Mfg. Co., Ltd. Variation.