Breast stars of Saint Anna with Imperial Crown
From April 14, 1829 for the Russian cavaliers of the Order of St. Anna the Imperial Crown placed above the crosses of the 1st and 2nd classes and above the...
imperial russian order
imperial russian orders with crown
julius keibel
julius keibel workshop
mark ik
order of saint anna marked ik
order of saint anna with imperial crown
orders of saint anna with crown made by keibel
звезда ордена св.анны с императорской короной
мастерская юлиуса кейбеля
награды императорской россии
орден святой анны с императорской короной
орден святой анны с короной и мечами
орден святой анны с короной юлиуса кейбеля
ордена императорской россии
русские ордена с императорской короной
русский императорский орден с клеймом ik
юлиус кейбель
Prince George, Duke of Cambridge (26 March 1819 – 17 March 1904) was a member of the British royal family, a male-line grandson of George III and cousin of Queen Victoria. The Duke was an army officer by profession and served as Commander-in-Chief of the Forces (military head of the British...
1st class st.anna order
imperial russia order
imperial russian awards
imperial russian orders
julius keibel workshop
mark ik
orders of st. andrew made by keibel
prince george duke of cambridge
prince george duke of cambridge awards
prince george duke of cambridge russian awards
st.alexander nevsky order
st.andrew order
мастерская иоганна-вильгельма кейбеля
орден андрея первозванного
ордена императорской россии