
  1. Okayama Prefecture Sōja City Chief of Police Merit Badge/岡山縣總社警察署長功勞章

    Classical war-time badge made in light alloy and with paint instead of hot enamel. Obverse Keibodan emblem 功勞 - Merit reverse 岡山縣總社 - Okayama Prefecture Sōja [City] 警察署長 - Chief of Police
  2. Futamata Branch of Shizuoka Prefecture Greater Japan Civil Defense Association Badge/財団法人大日本警防協会静岡県支部二俣支会章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 警防 - Keibo /Defense/ for 警防団 - Keibodan reverse 財團法人 - Foundation 大日本警防協會 - Dai Nippon [Greater Japan] Keibō Kyōkai [Civil Defense Association] 静岡縣支部二俣支會 - Futamata Branch of Shizuoka Prefecture Branch...
  3. Keibodan Merit Badge from the Superintendent of Police/警防團警視總監功勞章

    Obverse 功勞章 - Merit Badge Keibodan emblem. reverse 警視總監 - Superintendent of Police /Chief of Police/ 功勞章 - Merit Badge
  4. Air Defense Surveillance Team Badge/防空監視章

    Judging by yellow enameled star this is Keibodan-related badge Obverse 防空 - Air defense 監視 - Surveillance
  5. 1942 Fukushima Prefecture Civil Defense Association Highest Inspection Commemorative Badge/1942年梨本宮殿下御視閲記念福島縣警防協會章

    Reverse 梨本宮殿下 - His Imperial Highness Prince Nashimoto 御視閲記念 - Highest Inspection Commemorative 福島縣警防協會 - Fukushima Prefecture Civil Defense Association 昭和十七年五月廿六日 - May 26, 1942
  6. 1942 Saga Prefecture Keibodan Highest Inspection Commemorative Badge/1942年佐賀県警防團御視閲記念章

    Size 39.2 х 30.2 mm. Weight 15.9 g. Obverse 御視閲記念章 - Highest/Imperial Inspection Commemorative Badge reverse 昭和十七年十月 - October 1942 佐賀縣 - Saga Prefecture
  7. Ishigatsujicho Town Keibodan Hundred Days Prayer Participation Badge/石ケ辻町警防團百日祈願参加章

    Reverse 石ケ辻町警防團 -Ishigatsujicho Town Keibodan 百日祈願参加章 - Hundred Days Prayer Participation Badge
  8. Sakamoto Keibodan Supporter's Association Excellence Award Badge/坂本連合町内会坂本警防団後援会優良表彰徽章

    Obverse 優良表彰- Excellence Award Nice quality for the badge from 1943. reverse 贈 - Gift 昭和十八年六月 - June 1943 坂本聯合町内會 - Sakamoto Union Neighborhood Association 坂本警防團後援會- Sakamoto Keibodan Supporter's Association Original case. 昭和十八年六月 - June 1943 優良表彰徽章 - Excellence Award Badge...
  9. Kyoto Prefecture Keibodan Association Ayabe Branch Diligence Badge/京都府警防協會綾部支部精勤章

    See also ; Obverse 精勤 - Diligence; Good Attendance reverse 京都府警防協會 -...
  10. Greater Japan Civil Defense Association Okayama Prefecture Kasaoka Branch Award Badge/大日本警防協會岡山縣笠岡分會長表彰章

    Approximate size 40 x 30 mm. Obverse 表彰 - Award; Commendation reverse 大日本警防協會 - Dai Nippon [Greater Japan] Keibō Kyōkai [Civil Defense Association] 岡山縣笠岡分會長 - Okayama Prefecture Chairman of Kasaoka Branch Nicely enamelled badge.
  11. 1941 Mie Prefecture Keibodan Imperial Inspection Commemorative Badge/1941年三重縣警防團制服御親閲記念章

    Reverse 御親閲記念 - Imperial Inspection Commemorative 昭和十六年五月十日 - May 10, 1941 三重縣 - Mie Prefecture
  12. Kyoto Prefecture Keibodan Association Gojo Branch Diligence Badge/京都府警防協會五條支部精勤章

    See also ; Obverse 精勤 - Diligence; Good Attendance reverse 京都府警防協會 -...
  13. Civil Defense Association Moriyama City Branch Continuous Service Badge/警防協会守山分会勤績章

    Obverse 勤績 - Continuous Service reverse 警防協会守山分会 - [Greater Japan] Civil Defense Association Moriyama Branch
  14. Aomori Prefecture Keibō Yoshi-kai 10 Years Continuous Service Badge/青森縣警防義會拾年勤績章

    Obverse 十年 - 10th Years 勤績章 - Continuous Service Badge reverse 拾年勤績章 - 10 Years Continuous Service Badge 青森縣警防義會 - Aomori Prefecture Keibō Yoshi-kai /Police Defense Convention/
  15. Izumiotsu Keibodan Meritorious Service Badge/泉大津警防團功績章

    Obverse 表彰 - Award; Commendation reverse 功績章 -Achievements; Merit; Meritorious Service Badge 泉大津警防團分團 - Izumiotsu Keibodan Branch
  16. Hoi District Keibodan Award Badge/宝飯郡警防團表彰章

    Obverse 表彰 - Award reverse 宝飯郡警防團 - Hoi District Keibodan
  17. Toyama Prefecture Keibodan Assembly Watch Fob/富山県警防義会章

    Reverse 富山縣警防義會 - Toyama Prefecture Keibodan
  18. Gifu Prefecture Keibodan Ogaki Branch Diligence Badge/岐阜県警防協会大垣支部精勤章 

    Obverse 精勤 - Diligence; Good Attendance reverse 精勤章 - Diligence Badge 岐阜縣警防協会大垣支部 - Gifu Prefecture Keibodan Ogaki Branch
  19. Keibodan Door Plaques/警防団表札

    警防團員章 - Keibodan Member Badge
  20. Fukui Prefecture Keibodan Merit Badge/福井縣警防團功勞章

    Obverse 功 - Merit reverse 福井縣 - Fukui Prefecture 功勞章 - Merit Badge