johann wilhelm keibel workshop

  1. 2nd class Orders of St.Stanislaus /post-1856 type/ made by Wilhelm Keibel /WK/

    2nd class crosses from pre-1856 time period /eagles with drooping wings/ Gold, enamel. Size 48.8 × 45.14 mm. Weight 19.81 g. Marked with a gold hallmark "56", St. Petersburg assay...
  2. St.Stanislaus Orders for Non-Christians made by Johann Wilhelm Keibel /WK/ workshop

    Gold, enamel. Size 38 mm. Weight 6.07g. Marked with gold hallmark "56" /"large" variation/, "double-headed eagle" and "WK" for Wilhelm Keibel. Collection of Hermitage, St. Petersburg.
  3. Orders of Saint Stanislaus made by Wilhelm Keibel workshop /WK/

    1st class cross. Gold, enamel. Size 65 х 60 mm. Marked on with "double-headed eagle", "WK" for Wilhelm Keibel workshop, gold hallmark "56" and St. Petersburg assay office year mark "1857".
  4. Orders of Saint George for 25 Years of Service made by Johann Wilhelm Keibel workshop /WK/ workshop

    4th class cross awarded in November 1855 to Major General Georgy Georgievich Emmanuel (1815 - 1868). One of the very last crosses "for 25 Years of Service" that were ever awarded. On May 15, 1855 awarding of the 4th class St. George orders for long service was canceled by Imperial Decree and...
  5. 3rd class Orders of St.George made by Johann Wilhelm Keibel workshop /WK/

    3rd class cross manufactured in late 1850s by Johann Wilhelm Keibel workshop. Gold, enamel. Size 69×45 mm. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56" and partly readable year mark "185?". Central medallions.