japanese youth pilots commemorative watch fob

  1. Army Aviation Signal School Youth Pilots Class Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/陸軍航空通信學校少年]飛行兵生卒業記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Unfortunately most of the inscriptions on the reverse have been erased. Obverse 少飛 for 少年飛行兵 - Youth Pilots Emblem of the Air Signal Unit...
  2. 6th Class of Youth Pilots 1940 Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/1940年第六期少年飛行兵卒業記念章

    Regarding youth pilots https://asiamedals.info/threads/two-pilot-badges-of-6th-class-army-youth-pilot-school-graduate.27084/#post-360231 9th class watch fob https://asiamedals.info/threads/9th-class-of-youth-pilots-1942-graduation-commemorative-watch-fob-1942.27526/ 1st variation. Obverse...