japanese youth league commendation badge

  1. 1931 Tokyo Shimotani Ward Youth League 3rd Martial Arts Tournament Watch Fob/1931年東京下谷區青年團新潟縣青年團第三回武道大會章

    Size 30 mm. Reverse 東京下谷區青年團 - Tokyo Shimotani Ward Youth League 第三回武道大會 - 3rd Martial Arts Tournament 二五九一- 1931
  2. 1940 Niigata Prefecture Youth League Commemorative Award Badge/紀元二千六百年令旨奉戴二十周年新潟縣青年團紀念表彰章

    Obverse 青 for 青年團 - Youth League reverse 紀元二千六百年 - 1940 令旨奉戴二十周年 - 20th Anniversary of the President Appointment [lit. Emperor's command to choose (a nobleman) as the president of organization] 紀念表彰 - Commemorative Award 新潟縣青年團 - Niigata Prefecture Youth League
  3. Ishikoya City Nishi Ward Union of Youth League Commendation Badge/昭和七年.五月石古屋市西区聯合青年団表彰章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 表彰 - Commendation reverse 昭和七年.五月 - May 1932 石古屋市西区 - Nishi Ward, Ishikoya City 聯合青年團 - Union of Youth League
  4. Commendation Badges of Youth League/青年団表彰章

    1st variation. Obverse 表彰 - Commendation; Award Reverse 新潟県青年団 - Niigata Prefecture Youth League Original case. 表彰 - Commendation 新潟県 - Niigata Prefecture