japanese youth league badge

  1. Hiroshima Prefecture Youth Training Badge/廣島縣青訓章

    Obverse 青訓 - Youth Training 廣島縣 - Hiroshima Prefecture
  2. Mitsubishi Aviation Youth School Military Discipline Badge/三菱航空機青年学校軍紀章

    Size 21 mm. Obverse 三菱航空機青年学校 - Mitsubishi Aviation Youth School 軍紀 - Military Discipline
  3. 1938 Gifu Prefecture Youth National Defense Badge/紀元二五九八年 岐阜縣中部青年國防章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 岐阜縣中部 - Gifu Prefecture Chubu Region 青年國防章 - Youth National Defense Badge 紀元二五九八年 - 1938 岐阜縣 - Gifu Prefecture 大阪毎日新聞社 - Osaka Mainichi Newspaper Company...
  4. 1937 Nihonbashi Ward Youth League 12th Butoku Kai Tournament Award Watch Fob/1937年第十二回武徳大会日本橋区青年團賞章

    Obverse 武 - Martial [Arts] reverse 賞 - Award reverse 皇紀二五九七年 - 1937 第十二回武徳大会 - 12th Butoku Kai Tournament 日本橋区青年團 - Nihonbashi Ward Youth League
  5. 1929 Osaka City Youth League Branch Personal Inspection Commemorative Badge/昭和四年六月五日大阪市青年聯合團親閲記念章

    Obverse 親閲 - Imperial [Personal] Inspection 記念 - Commemorative Osaka Youth League emblem reverse 昭和四年六月五日 - June 5, 1929 大阪市青年聯合團 - Osaka City Youth League Branch
  6. 1938 Shitaya Ward Youth League Badge/皇紀二五八年下谷區青年團盡忠報國章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 盡忠報國 - To serve one's country loyally/be devoted to one's country/be loyal and patriotic reverse 皇紀二五九八年 - 1938 下谷區青年團 - Shitaya Ward Youth League
  7. 1931 Koishikawa Ward Youth League Merit Badges/昭和六年二月十一日小石川区青年團功勞章

    3rd class merit badge. Size 54 x 36.4 mm. Obverse 功勞 - Merit 青 - Youth reverse 小石川区青年團 - Koishikawa Ward Youth League 昭和六年二月十一日 - February 11, 1931 三等 - 3rd class Case. Badges were made by the Masuda workshop...
  8. 1928 Imperial Review of Youth Schools Pupils Attendance Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和三年十二月青年学生御親閲参列記念章

    Size 24.3 mm. Weight 7.5 g. Obverse NIjubashi Bridge at the Tokyo Imperial Palace reverse 青年学生御親閲 - Youth [Schools] Pupils Imperial Review 参列記念 - Attendance Commemorative 昭和三年十二月 - December 1928
  9. Miyazaki Prefecture Excellent Youth Instructor Badge/宮崎縣優等青訓章

    Obverse 青 - Youth reverse 優等青訓章 - Excellent Youth Instructor Badge 宮崎縣 - Miyazaki Prefecture
  10. Kanazawa Prefecture Youth Training Supervisor's Badge/石川縣青訓練管理者章

    Badges of similar design https://asiamedals.info/threads/kanazawa-prefecture-youth-training-supervisors-badge.29134/ ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/fukui-prefecture-youth-school-instructors-badge.29026/. Cased specimen. Obverse 青訓 - Youth Training reverse marked 石川縣 - Kanazawa...
  11. Youth League Badges made by Mikasa Medal Works

  12. Fukui Prefecture Youth School Instructor's Badge/石川県青年学校徽章福井縣青年学校指導員章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/kanazawa-prefecture-youth-school-badge.26643/ ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/kanazawa-prefecture-youth-training-supervisors-badge.29134/. Obverse 青學 - Youth School Original case. 福井縣青年學校 - Fukui Prefecture Youth School 指導員章 - Instructor's Badge
  13. Kato County Youth Military Training Center Union Award Badge/加東郡青年訓練所聯合會表彰章

    Obverse 表彰 - Award reverse 加東郡青年 - Kato County /it was located in Hyogo Prefecture/ Youth 訓練所聯合會 - [Military] Training Center Union
  14. Okayama Prefecture Youth League Assembly Member's Badge/中國民報主催岡山縣青年議會議員章

    Obverse 議 for 議會 - Assembly reverse 中國民報主催 - Sponsored/Organized by China People's News [Daily] /Chūgoku Minpō/ 岡山縣青年議會 - Okayama Prefecture Youth League Assembly 議員章 - Assembly Member's Badge
  15. Tokyo Youth League 200 Meters Relay Swimming Record Holder Badge/青年団二百米継泳記録章

    Obverse 青 inside the Tokyo city emblem /青 for Youth/ reverse 記録章 - Record [holder] Badge Engraved 二百米継泳 - 200 Meters Relay Swimming Marked 純銀 - pure silver
  16. 1932 Nami Ward Youth League Military Training Badge/昭和七年並區青年團軍教章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/1932-nami-ward-air-raid-defense-corps-military-training-badge.24814/ \ Obverse 並區 - Nami Ward 青年團 - Youth League reverse 昭和七年 - 1932 軍教章 - Military Training Badge
  17. 1935 Prefectural Youth Students Debate Competition Award Watch Fob/縣下青年学生雄辯大會主催横濱工業専修学校賞章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 縣下青年学生 - Prefectural Youth Students 雄辯大會 - Debate Competition 主催 - Organized by 横濱工業専修学校 - Yokohama Higher School of Technology (est. in 1920) 二五九五 - 1935
  18. 1937 Meiji Shrine Service Tokyo Prefecture Youth League Union Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和十二年二月明治神宮奉仕東京府青年団連合会記念章

    Size 31 x 27 mm. Reverse 明治神宮奉仕 - Meiji Shrine Service 昭和十二年二月- February 1937 記念章 - Commemorative Badge 東京府青年團聯合會 - Tokyo Prefecture Youth League Union of Association
  19. 1932 Kobe City United Youth League 10th Anniversary of Founding Commemorative Badge/昭和七 年十一日三月神戸市聯合青年團創立十周年記念章

    Obverse 神戸市聯合青年團 - Kobe City United Youth League 創立十周年記念 - 10th Anniversary of Founding Commemorative reverse 昭和七 年十一日三月 - March 11, 1932
  20. Youth Magazine Friend Award Badge/青訓誌友賞章

    Obverse 青訓誌友賞 - Youth Magazine Friend Award