japanese watch fob

  1. 1948 Tennoji Conductor Ward Accident-free Record Commemorative Watch Fob/1948年天王寺車掌区運轉無事故表彰記念章

    Obverse 天王 for 天王寺車掌区 - Tennoji Conductor Ward reverse 昭和二十三年二月二十日 - February 20, 1948 運轉無事故表彰記念 - No Accidents During Driving Commemorative 天王寺車掌区 - Tennoji Conductor Ward /organization to which the conductors of the Kinki Headquarters of West Japan Railway Company (JR West Japan)...
  2. Japan Pilot Education Association Watch Fob/日本飛行教育會章

    Reverse 日本 - Japan 飛行教育會 - Pilot/Flight Education Association
  3. In Memory of 1951 Peace Treaty of San Francisco Watch Fob

    The Treaty of San Francisco /サンフランシスコ講和条約, San-Furanshisuko kōwa-Jōyaku/, also called the Treaty of Peace with Japan /日本国との平和条約, Nihon-koku to no Heiwa-Jōyaku/, re-established peaceful relations between Japan and the Allied Powers on behalf of the United Nations by ending the legal state of war...
  4. Japanese Mint WW1 Commemorative Watch Fobs/大正八年六月二十八日世界戦役講和條約調印記念章

    Watch fobs were commissioned by Osaka Mainichi Shimbun and were manufactured by the Japanese Mint. Mint also manufactured table medals with the same design https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-mint-ww1-commemorative-table-medals.26291/ Today thee variants of the watch fobs are known: gold...
  5. 1938 Kansai District Youth School National Defense Athletic Tournament Award Watch Fob/1938年関西地方青年學校國防体育大會章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 二五九八 - 2598 = 1938 reverse 関西地方青年學校 - Kansai District Youth School 國防体育大會 - National Defense Athletic Tournament engraved 第二位 - 2nd Place 大阪毎日新聞社 - Osaka Mainichi Shimbun...
  6. 1906 Russo-Japanese War Army Triumphant Return Military Parade Commemorative Watch Fob/明治三十七八年戦役陸軍凱旋観兵式記念章

    Interesting watch fob in the form of postal stamp. 1st variation "3 Sen". Size 25 x 19 mm. Obverse 明治三十七八年 戦役陸軍凱旋観兵式記念郵便切手 - 1904-1905 Army Triumphant Return Military Parade Commemorative Postal Stamp 参錢 - 3 Sen Reverse marked with "N inside the rhombus".
  7. Yamaguchi Prefectural Forestry Association Watch Fob/山口県山林会章

    Size 23 x 18.2 mm. Weight 5.5 g. Obverse 山 for 山口縣 - Yamaguchi Prefectural reverse 山口縣山林會 - Yamaguchi Prefectural Forestry Association
  8. 22nd Kanto Student Sumo Federation Tournament Watch Fob/1941年第二十二回 関東学生相撲聯盟大会 メダル

    Obverse 力 - Might/Power reverse 第二十二回関東學生相撲聯盟大會 - 22nd Kanto Student Sumo Federation Tournament 皇紀二千六百一年 - Imperial Year 2601 = 1941
  9. Army Shooting Badges and Watch Fobs

  10. 1931 National Junior High School Eloquence Contest Watch Fob/全国中等學生雄弁大會主催名古屋商業斈校弁論部章

    Reverse 全国中等學生雄弁大會 - National Junior High School Eloquence Contest 主催 - Organized 名古屋商業斈校弁論部 - Nagoya Commercial School Debate Club 2591 - 1931 Original case. Watch fob was made by Tanase Medal Works...
  11. 1930 Army Special Large Maneuvers Fukuyama Prefecture Imperial Guard Commemorative Watch Fob/帝國在鄉軍人會福山支部陸軍特別大演習御警衛記念章

    Obverse 陸軍特別大演習御警衛記念 - Army Special Large Maneuvers Imperial Security Guarding Commemorative reverse 帝國在鄉軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 福山支部 - Fukuyama Branch 昭和五年十一月十四日 - November 14, 1930
  12. His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of the United Kingdom Security Guard Commemorative Watch Fob/1922年英国皇太子殿下御警衛記念章

    Obverse 英国皇太子殿下御警衛記念 - His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of the United Kingdom Security Guard Commemorative reverse 大正十弌年四月 - April 1922 靜岡縣 - Shizuoka Prefecture Original case. 英国皇太子殿下 - His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of the United Kingdom 御警衛記念章 - Security Guard [Escort]...
  13. Tobu Railway Designated Transport Agent Association Award Watch Fob/表彰東武鉄道指定運送取扱人會章

    Obverse 表彰 - Commendation reverse 東武鉄道指定運送取扱人會 - Tobu Railway Designated Transport Agent Association 昭和十六年 - 1941
  14. Battleship Mikasa Preservation Society Commemorative Watch Fob/財團法人三笠保存会記念章

    Size 24 mm. Obverse 三笠 - Mikasa reverse 千慮不惑 /Senryo Fuwaku/ - 1000 Considerations [much thought], Following Right Course [has no doubts]. Kotowaza (Japanese proverb) by Kitagawa Hiroharu. 三笠保存會- Mikasa Preservation Society Original case. 三笠 - Mikasa 記念章 - Commemorative Badge 財團法人...
  15. 1942 National Defense Sports Training Tournament Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun Watch Fob/国防体育訓練大会東京日日新聞社章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/china-incident-commemorative-badges-and-watch-fobs.22957/page-4#post-345869 ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/1940-army-mechanized-troops-commemoration-day-grand-parade-participation-badge-1940.27734/ 1st type. Reverse 昭和十七年 - 1942 國防体育訓練大會 -...
  16. Army Medical School 50th Anniversary Commemorative Watch Fob and Obidome/五十周年記念陸軍軍医学校章

    Size 27 mm. Reverse 五十周年記念 - 50th Anniversary Commemorative 陸軍軍医学校 - Army Medical School 11.11.7. = November 7, 1936 Nicely designed watch fob.
  17. Prince Chichibu Marriage Tenranjiai Tournament Award Watch Fob/秩父宮殿下秩父宮妃殿下台覧競技大會賞章

    See also table medals with the same design https://asiamedals.info/threads/prince-chichibu-marriage-commemorative-award-medals.24524/ Reverse 秩父宮殿下秩父宮妃殿下 - Prince Chichibu Her Imperial Highness Princess Chichibu 台覧競技大會賞 - Tenranjiai (game held with the Emperor in attendance) Tournament...
  18. Kamioka Hydroelectric Company 10 Years Service Commemorative Award Watch Fob/神岡水電株式會社十年勤績記念表彰章

    Obverse 表彰 - Award; Сommendation reverse 十年勤績記念 - 10 Years Service Commemorative 神 - Kami 神岡水電株式會社 - Kamioka Hydroelectric Co., Ltd. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/神岡水電 Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  19. Badges and Watch Fobs with mark 瑞 /Mizu/

    瑞 /Mizu/ - lucky; propitious, surname As for today the exact owner of this mark remains unknown. https://asiamedals.info/threads/horse-mountain-artillery-units-badges-and-watch-fobs.20380/
  20. Hwanghae Province Police Commemorative Watch Fob/黃海道慰勞記念章
