japanese sport badge

  1. 2nd General MacArthur's Cup Kyoto City Delegation Badge

    Silver, enamel. Size 50 x 3 mm. Weight 24 g. Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Ribbon suspension and ribbon are missing.
  2. Onomichi Shiritsu Yoshiwa Junior High School Track and Field Support Association Award Watch Fob/尾道示立吉和中學校陸上競技後援會勝優章

    Obverse 勝優 - Winner reverse 尾道示立吉和中學校 - Onomichi Shiritsu Yoshiwa Junior High School 陸上競技後援會 - Track and Field Support Association Marked アゴウ製 - Made by Agou
  3. 1940 Autumn Athletic Meeting sponsored by Shibaura Industrial News Association Participation Watch Fob/1940年芝浦産業報國會主催秋季運動會参加章

    Size 34 mm. Obverse 紀元二千六百年 - 1940 reverse 秋季運動會 - Autumn Athletic Meeting 参加章 - Participation Badge 15-11-17 - November 17, 1940 芝浦産業報國會主催 - Sponsored by Shibaura Industrial News Association
  4. Nakamura Dojo Kobukan Branch Watch Fob/中村道場弘武舘支部章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 剣 - Kendo reverse 弘武舘支部 - Kobukan Branch 中村道場 - Nakamura Dojo (hall used for martial arts training)
  5. Itoshima District Sports Association Award Watch Fob/糸島郡体育協會賞章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 糸島郡体育協會 - Itoshima District Sports Association /Itoshima-gun was a district located in northwestern Fukuoka Prefecture/
  6. South Manchuria Education Society 20th Anniversary 1929 Commemorative Tennis Competition/1929年南満洲教育会二十周年記念州内外対抗庭球章

    Obverse To Your Honor reverse 南満洲教育會 - South Manchuria Education Society 二十周年記念 - 20th Anniversary Commemorative 州内外対抗 - In-and-out-of-state Competition 庭球 - Tennis 二五八九 - 1929
  7. 1954 Japan Rowing Association Cambridge University Invitation Commemorative Badge/日本漕艇協会ケンブリッジ大学招待記念章

    Reverse ケンブリッジ大学 - Cambridge University 招待記念 - Invitation Commemorative 日本漕艇協会 - Japan Rowing Association 1954 Original case.
  8. 1938 National Spirit Mobilization Cold-resistance Ski Marching Tournament Badge/1938年兵庫県国民精神總動員耐寒スキー行軍大会章

  9. Hiroshima 6th National Sports Festival Participation Badge/広島第六回国民体育大会参加章

    Basketball related badge. Size 25 x 25 mm. Reverse 第六回 - 6th 国民体育大会参加章 - National Sports Festival Participation Badge Original case. 参加章 - Participation Badge
  10. 6th National Sports Festival Commemorative Badge/第六回国民体育大会記念章

    Size 24 x 30 mm. Reverse 第六回国民体育大会 - 6th National Sports Festival (1951) 記念章 - Commemorative Badge National Sports Festival of Japan emblem. Case. Kakida workshop label https://asiamedals.info/threads/kakida-workshop-badges-and-medals-kakida-shokai-hiroshima-kakida.22513/
  11. Takada Junior High School Kudo Club Watch Fob/髙田中學校弓道部章

    Watch fob with similar design of obverse https://asiamedals.info/threads/tenri-university-kyudo-club-watch-fob.24431/ 髙田中學校 - Takada Junior High School 弓道部 - Kyudo Club
  12. Anonymous Judo Badges and Watch Fobs/柔道章

    Obverse 柔 from 柔道 - Judo. Original case. Watch fob was badge by Asahi Medal Works, Tokyo https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-manufactured-by-asahi-medal-works-tokyo-asahi.21789
  13. 17th National Secondary School Sumo Tournament Official's Badge/第十七回全国中等学校相撲大会役員章

    Silver watch fob in the form of gunbai /軍配/ - umpire's fan in sumo wrestling. Reverse 第十七回 - 17th 全国中等学校相撲大會 - National Secondary School Sumo Tournament 役員章 - Official's Badge 大阪毎日新聞社 - Osaka Mainichi Shimbun...
  14. 1940 East Asia Games Participation Badges/紀元二千六百年奉祝東亞競技大會参加章

    Reverse 2600 = 1940 参加章 - Participant Badge 紀元二千六百年奉祝 - 2600th [anniversary of the founding of the Empire] Celebration 東亞競技大會 - East Asia Games
  15. Anonymous Sumo Watch Fob

  16. Keio Futsubu School 10th Sports Day Watch Fob/慶応義塾普通部 第十回體育日章

    Obverse Victory 2597 = 1937 Reverse 慶応義塾普通部 - Keio Futsubu School 第十回 - 10th 體育日- Sports Day Made by Asahi Medal Works, Tokyo https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-manufactured-by-asahi-medal-works-tokyo-asahi.21789/
  17. Komazawa University Kyudo Club Commemorative Watch Fob/駒澤大学弓道部道場新築記念章

    Reverse 道場新築記念 - New Dojo (hall used for martial arts training) Construction Commemorative 弓道部 - Kyudo Club 二五九四 = 1934
  18. 1928 Rissho University Kyodo Tournament Watch Fob/昭和3年立正大学大会弓道章

    Reverse 立正大學 - Rissho University https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rissho_University 大會 - Tournament 二五八八- 1928 Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  19. Autumn School Kyudo Tournament Watch Fob/秋季大会弓道章

    Reverse 秋季大會 - Autumn Tournament 二五九〇 - 1930 Marked 純銀 - pure silver
  20. Hitachi Aircraft Tachikawa Factory Kyudo Club Watch Fobs/弓道部日立航空機立川工場章

    Reverse 日航立川 = 日立航空機立川工場 = Hitachi Aircraft Tachikawa Factory 弓道部 - Kyudo Club