japanese shooting badge

  1. 1936 Imperial Military Reservist Association Totetsu Oi Factory Branch Shooting Tournament Participation Badge/1936年帝国在郷軍人会第一回射撃大会東鉄大井工場分会參加章

    Obverse 第一回 - 1st 射撃大會 - Shooting Tournament 參加章 - Participant's Badge reverse 帝国在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 東鉄大井工場分會 - Totetsu Oi Factory Branch of Association 昭和十一年十月四日 - October 4th, 1936
  2. Kobe Shooting Association Member's Award Badge/金徽賞神戸射的会員之章

    Reverse 神戸射的 - Kobe Shooting 會員之章 - Association Member's Badge Original case. 金徽賞 - Golden Award 神戸射的 - Kobe Shooting 會員之章 - Association Member's Badge
  3. Osaki Village Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Badges and Watch Fobs/帝国在郷軍人会大崎町分会章

    Obverse 精勤 - Diligence reverse 昭和六年度 - 1931 帝國在郷軍人会- Imperial Military Reservist Association 大崎町分会- Osaki Village Branch of Association 警備隊 /Keibitai/ - Guards
  4. 1927 Kyushu Union Shooting Tournament Team Player Badge/昭和弐年九州連合射撃大会選手章

    Reverse 昭和弐年 - 1927 九州連合射撃大会 - Kyushu Union Shooting Tournament 選手章 - Team Player Badge
  5. Imperial Military Reservist Association Marksmanship Badge/帝国在郷軍人会射撃章

    Obviously design was taken from the army marksmanship badge.
  6. Imperial Military Reservist Association Wakayama Branch Shooting Championship Watch Fob/帝国在郷軍人會和歌山支部優勝章

    Size 30 mm. Reverse 優勝 - Overall Victory, Championship 帝国在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 和歌山支部 - Wakayama [City] Branch
  7. Shooting Training Good Attendance Fukagawa District Youth League Badge/深川區青年團教練精勤章

    1st stamp variation. Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 教練精勤章 - Training and Dedication [lit. drill good attendance] Badge 深川區青年團 - Fukagawa District [Tokyo] Youth League
  8. Greater Japan Student Shooting Federation Badges/大日本学生射撃連盟章

    Reverse 紀二千六百年 - 1940 秋季大會 - Autumn Meeting 賞 - Award 大日本學生射撃連盟 - Greater Japan Student Shooting Federation Case. Label of Yonezawa Medal Works inside.
  9. Imperial Military Reservist Association Shooting Badges/帝国在郷軍人会射撃勝利章

  10. Imperial Military Reservist Association Kanda Ward Branch Shooting Award Badge/帝国在郷軍人会神田區分会射撃勝利章

    Length 31 mm, width 24 mm. Obverse 射勝 for 射撃 - Shooting 勝利 - Victory 神田區分會 - Kanda Ward Branch reverse engraved 贈 - Gift 昭和十二年三月 - March 1937 長谷川太平君 - Mr. Taihei Hasegawa 純銀 - pure silver
  11. Youth League Tokyo Heirinkan Badge/青年団東京兵林館謹製章

    Design after army shooting proficiency badge with crossed fountain pen and rifle. Obverse 青 - Youth reverse 東京 - Tokyo 兵林館 - Heirinkan 謹製 - Made
  12. South Manchurian Railway Youth School Shooting Tournament/青學射擊大會章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 賞 - Award Emblem of South Manchurian Railway and two crossed rifles. reverse 2596 = 1936 青學 - Youth School 射擊大會 -Shooting Tournament Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  13. Shooting Badges and Watch Fobs of Universities and Schools

    Reverse 東京歯科医学専門学校 - Tokyo Dental College 昭和八年十二月 - December 1933 Original case. Watch fob was made by Asahi workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-manufactured-by-asahi-medal-works-tokyo-asahi.21789/
  14. 1st National Shooting Tournament of National Safety Forces Badge/保安隊第一回全国射撃競技大会章

    Reverse 1952 保安隊第一回全国射撃競技大会 - 1st National Shooting Tournament of National Safety Forces About National Safety Forces https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BF%9D%E5%AE%89%E9%9A%8A Marked SILVER. Original case. The badge was made by Ariyama Kinseido workshop...
  15. Japanese National Police Handgun Shooting Competition Award Badges/全国警察けん銃 射撃競技大会参加賞章

    Police handgun shooting competition of 1952 https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-of-chugai-medal-co-ltd-tokyo.21163/#post-345779
  16. Tokyo Garrison Shooting Tournament Award Watch Fob-Compass/第十回東京衛戍大射撃会 優等賞羅針盤

    Unusual watch fob-compass. 第十回 - 10th 東京衛戍大射撃会 - Tokyo Garrison Shooting Tournament 優等賞 - Honor Award 1st case variation.