japanese sakazuki

  1. Army Maneuvers Commemorative and Award Sake Cups/陸軍特別大演習参加記念盃

    陸軍特別大演習 - Army Special Large Maneuvers 参加記念 - Participation Commemorative
  2. His Majesty the Emperor of Manchukuo Visit Commemorative Sake Cups Set/満州国皇帝陛下御来訪記念盃セット

    Metal inside - wood outside. Set of two. 満州国皇帝陛下 - His Majesty the Emperor of Manchukuo 御来訪記念 - Visit Commemorative 満州国皇帝陛下 - His Majesty the Emperor of Manchukuo 御来訪記念 - Visit Commemorative