japanese red cross benevolence badge

  1. Doujinkai Special Supporting Member's Pendant-Compass/同仁会特別賛助員章

    Silver, gilt, enamel. Back 同仁 - Doujin https://asiamedals.info/threads/doujinkai-history-badges-and-documents.29449/ inside 特別賛助員章 - Special Supporting Member's Badge
  2. Doujinkai History, Badges and Documents/同人会歴史 同人会証書 同人会章

    同人会 /or 同仁会/ Doujinkai = Doujin Association /where Doujin [do̞ːd͡ʑĩɴ] - fellow worker, person of the same belief or conviction; colleague; group of people who share an interest, activity, or hobby/ = Benevolent Society or Association for Universal Benevolence was founded in 1902 by some people...
  3. Japanese Red Cross Society Charity Association Member's Badge/日本赤十字社篤志会員章

    Post-war badge. Reverse 日本篤志会員 - Japanese Charity Association Member Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  4. Japanese Red Cross Society 3rd Class Charity Badges/日本赤十字社三等篤志表章

    3rd Class Charity badges with mark ナ https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-red-cross-society-charity-badges-with-mark-na.28711/ 1st variation. Size 30 x 20 mm. Weight 5.2 g. Suspension obverse 三等篤志表章 - 3rd class Charity /Benevolence; Philanthropy/ Badge suspension reverse 日本赤十字社 -...
  5. Japanese Red Cross Society 1st Class Charity Badges/日本赤十字社一等篤志表章

    1st variation. Stamp of these badges are very close to the 1st class badges marked with ナ https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-red-cross-society-charity-badges-with-mark-na.28711/#post-366834 Suspension obverse 一等篤志表章 - 1st class Charity /Benevolence; Philanthropy/ Badge suspension...
  6. Japanese Red Cross Society Charity Badges/日本赤十字社篤志表章

    Original description of all three classes published in 1919. 篤志表章 - Charity /Benevolence; Philanthropy/ Badge 1st class charity badge has Imperial Phoenix at the top, imperial crests on both sides, and bamboo leaves at the bottom. The ring itself is in the shape of bamboo stalks. 1st class...