japanese red cross badge

  1. Tokai Nurse Midwife School Badge/東海産婆看護婦学校赤十字章

    Size 17.6 mm. Reverse 東海産婆看護婦学校 - Tokai Nurse Midwife School
  2. 1st Marine Transport Command Hospital Ship Medical Staff Badge/第一船舶輸送司令部病院船衛生員章

    Reverse 第一船舶輸送司令部 - 1st Marine Transport Command 病院船衛生員 - Hospital Ship Medical Staff Original case. 御徽章 - Honor Badge Badges were made by キシヨウ堂造 - made by Kishodo workshop in 廣島 - Hiroshima https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-labels-and-marks-of-kishodo-workshop-kishiyou.22007/
  3. Oku Town Sanitation Union Officer's Badge/尾久町衛生組合役員章

    Obverse 衛生 - Hygiene; Sanitation reverse 尾久町衛生組合 - Oku Town Sanitation Union 役員章 - Officer's Badge Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 尾久町衛生 - Oku Town Sanitation 組合役員章 - Union Officer's Badge
  4. 1906 Hokkaido Branch of Japanese Red Cross Society 2nd General Assembly Commemorative Watch Fob/1906年日本赤十字社北海道支部第二回總会記念章

    Size 27 mm. Obverse 記念 - Commemorative reverse 日本赤十字社 - Japanese Red Cross Society 北海道支部 - Hokkaido Branch 第弐回總會 - 2nd General Assembly 明治参拾九年九月弐拾四日 - September 24th, 1906
  5. Chinese Nurses Association Badges/中华护士会章

    Obverse 中華護士會 - Chinese Nurses Association In the center 護 for a Nurse N.A.C. = Nurses Association of China reverse stamped with a No. 2562 and engraved with a name 邵 - Shào.
  6. Japanese Nursing Association Badge/日本看護協会章

    Obverse "Florence Nightingale lamp" https://asiamedals.info/threads/flo...guro-commemorative-badge-f-nightingale.23405/ JNA = Japanese Nursing Association Badge Original case.
  7. Japanese Nursing Association Badge For the Public Welfare Badge/日本看護協会福祉のために章

    Obverse "Florence Nightingale lamp" https://asiamedals.info/threads/florence-nightingale-ishiguro-commemorative-badge-f-nightingale.23405/ reverse 日本看護協会 - Japanese Nursing Association 福祉のために - For the Public Welfare
  8. Japanese Red Cross Society Ibaraki Prefecture Branch Badge/日本赤十字社茨城県支部御徽章

    Reverse 茨城県支部 - Ibaraki Prefecture Branch Original plastic bag.
  9. Japanese Red Cross Shoulder Patches

    These patches were issued for the patients of military hospitals. Size 65x 65 mm.
  10. Award Badge for the Russo-Japanese War from Japanese Red Cross/征露犒軍記章

  11. Japanese Red Cross Award Badge for the Russo-Japanese War/征露犒軍記章

    1st variation. Reverse 征露 - Conquest of Russian 犒軍記章 - Army Award [犒軍 - to reward the troops for their meritorious deeds ] Badge Original case. 征露犒軍記章 - Conquest of Russian Army Award Badge Badges were manufactured by Tenshōdō workshop in Tokyo /天賞堂謹製/...
  12. Japanese Red Cross Society Employee's Badge/日本赤十字社員章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-red-cross-society-supporters-badge.24088/ ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/anonymous-badges-of-japanese-red-cross-society.23540/#post-348491 Obverse 社員 - Society Employee
  13. 1916 Red Cross Allies' Conference in Paris Badge /XXVIII Mars MCMXVI Paris Conférence des Allies/

    Close relative of these badges https://asiamedals.info/threads/allied-wwi-red-cross-badges-gloria-vulneratis-pro-jure-et-libertate-1914-1915.23931/ 1st variation "Gilded". Size 45 x 30 mm. XXVIII Mars MCMXVI = March 28, 1916
  14. Social Welfare Corporation Kyosaikai Officers and Employees Badge/社会福祉法人協助会役職員之章

    Reverse 協助会 - [Social Welfare Corporation] Kyosaikai (Kyosaikai provides elder, long-term care, daycare, short stay, group home, nursing, and home health services). 役職員之章 - Officers and Employees Badge
  15. Japanese Red Cross Badge/日本赤十字社社員章

  16. Osaka Prefecture Nightingale Merit Decoration/ナイチンゲール大阪府功勞章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/florence-nightingale-ishiguro-commemorative-badge-f-nightingale.23405/ 1954 badge. Reverse 功勞章 - Merit Badge/Decoration 大阪府 - Osaka Prefecture Marked 内外造 - Made by Naigai + "Silver" Miniature. Reverse 功勞章略章 - - Merit Badge Miniature...
  17. Japanese Red Cross Nishichikuma District 6th General Assembly Commemorative Compass Pendant/西筑摩郡委員部第六回總會紀念章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-red-cross-society-nagano-branch-shimotaka-county-committee-2nd-employee-meeting-commemorative-compass.27490/ Reverse 西筑摩郡 - Nishichikuma District 第六回總會紀念 - 6th General Assembly Commemorative 委員部 - Committee Member Nice quality...
  18. Japanese Red Cross Society 100th Anniversary Badge/日本赤十字社赤十字百年祭章

    Reverse 赤十字百年祭 - Centenary of the Red Cross
  19. Japanese Red Cross Society Ski Patrol Badge/スキーパトロール日本赤十字社章

    Obverse スキーパトロール - Ski Patrol
  20. Japanese Red Cross Society Badge-Brooch with Army Star/日本赤十字社軍隊章
