japanese railway watch fob

  1. 1941 Niigata Railway Training School 11th Station Conductor Class Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/1941年新潟鉄道教習所第拾壹回駅員車掌科修了記念章

    Size 38.65 x 28.13 mm. Obverse 驛車科 - Train Station Course 教 - Training reserve 𪮷抬𪮷𪮇 - Samuhara https://asiamedals.info/threads/samuhara-railway-good-luck-charm-watch-fobs-samuhara.24835 ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/samuhara-army-and-army-related-good-luck-charm-watch-fobs.24838...
  2. 1939 East Railway Driving School Specialist Department Kendo Club Watch Fob/1939年東鉄教習所専門部剣道部章

    Obverse 剣 for 剣道 - Kendo reverse 東鉄教習所 - East Railway [Totetsu] Driving School 専門部 - Specialist Department 剣道部 - Kendo Club 二五九九 - 1939
  3. 1948 Tennoji Conductor Ward Accident-free Record Commemorative Watch Fob/1948年天王寺車掌区運轉無事故表彰記念章

    Obverse 天王 for 天王寺車掌区 - Tennoji Conductor Ward reverse 昭和二十三年二月二十日 - February 20, 1948 運轉無事故表彰記念 - No Accidents During Driving Commemorative 天王寺車掌区 - Tennoji Conductor Ward /organization to which the conductors of the Kinki Headquarters of West Japan Railway Company (JR West Japan)...
  4. Tobu Railway Designated Transport Agent Association Award Watch Fob/表彰東武鉄道指定運送取扱人會章

    Obverse 表彰 - Commendation reverse 東武鉄道指定運送取扱人會 - Tobu Railway Designated Transport Agent Association 昭和十六年 - 1941