japanese railway badge

  1. 1941 Niigata Railway Training School 11th Station Conductor Class Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/1941年新潟鉄道教習所第拾壹回駅員車掌科修了記念章

    Size 38.65 x 28.13 mm. Obverse 驛車科 - Train Station Course 教 - Training reserve 𪮷抬𪮷𪮇 - Samuhara https://asiamedals.info/threads/samuhara-railway-good-luck-charm-watch-fobs-samuhara.24835 ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/samuhara-army-and-army-related-good-luck-charm-watch-fobs.24838...
  2. Replicas of Railway Emblems and Badges from Tsuyama Manabi Railway Museum/津山まなびの鉄道館復刻鉄道徽章

    復刻 - Reproduction 津山まなびの鉄道館 - Tsuyama Manabi Railway Museum 鉄道徽章 - Railway Emblems/Badges
  3. Tobu Railway Company Badges/東武鉄道株式会社章

    The Tobu Railway Company, Ltd. /東武鉄道株式会社, Tōbu Tetsudō kabushiki gaisha/ is one of the oldest railway companies in Japan. It was established in November 1897 and began operation between Kita-Senju and Kuki in August 1899. The Tojo Railway was founded in 1911 as a separate company, but shared its...
  4. 1939 East Railway Driving School Specialist Department Kendo Club Watch Fob/1939年東鉄教習所専門部剣道部章

    Obverse 剣 for 剣道 - Kendo reverse 東鉄教習所 - East Railway [Totetsu] Driving School 専門部 - Specialist Department 剣道部 - Kendo Club 二五九九 - 1939
  5. Morioka Transport Office Karafuto Hokkaido Festival Group Badge/盛岡運輸事務所主催樺太北海道祝祭團体之章

    Reverse 盛岡運輸事務所主催 - Organized by Morioka Transport Office 樺太北海道祝祭團体之章 - Karafuto Hokkaido Festival/Celebration Group Badge
  6. Ikasa Railway Continuous Service Award Badges/井笠鉄道株式会社勤続賞章

    Obverse Ikasa Railway emblem 勤続 - Continuous Service reverse Stamped with a number "235". 井笠鉄道株式会社 - Ikasa Railway Co., Ltd. /Established in 1913 Ikasa Railway operated mainly in the southwestern part of the Ikasa region of Okayama Prefecture (Kasaoka City, Ibara City , etc.) and Fukuyama...
  7. 1939 Hiroshima Railway Driving School 6th Telegraph Course Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/1939年広島鉄道教習所第六回電信科卒業記念章

    Obverse 教 - Training; Teaching reverse 廣鐵教 = 広島鉄道教習所 - Hiroshima Railway Driving School 第六回 - 6th 電信科卒業記念 - Telegraph Course Graduation Commemorative 2599 - 1939
  8. 1937 Hiroshima Railway Bureau 2nd Softball Baseball Tournament Award Watch Fob/広島鉄道局第二回局肉軟式野球大会賞章

    Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 第二回局肉軟式野球大會 - 2nd Bureau Softball Baseball Tournament 広島鉄道局 - Hiroshima Railway Bureau 2597 - 1937
  9. 1940 Shinagawa Railway District 30th Anniversary Commemorative Watch Fob/品川電車區創立三十周年記念章

    Reverse 創立三十周年記念章 - 30th Anniversary Commemorative 2600 - 1940 品川電車區 - Shinagawa Railway District
  10. Ministry of Railways Transportation Authority Badge/鉄道省公認運送章

    Badge No.86 公認運送 - Transportation Authority [officially recognized shipping company/agency] 鉄道省 - Ministry of Railways
  11. Imperial Railway Association Badges/帝国鉄道協会章

    1st type of membership badge. No. 733 Case. 帝国鉄道協會 - Imperial Railway Association 會員章 - Membership Badge
  12. Seibu Railway Company Merit Badge/西武鉄道株式会社功績章

    1st variation "marked 純銀 under 西武鉄道株式会社". Obverse Emblem of Seibu Railway Company reverse 功績章 - Merit Badge 西武鉄道株式会社 - Seibu Railway Company, Ltd. Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Miniature. Original case.
  13. Tobu Railway Designated Transport Agent Association Award Watch Fob/表彰東武鉄道指定運送取扱人會章

    Obverse 表彰 - Commendation reverse 東武鉄道指定運送取扱人會 - Tobu Railway Designated Transport Agent Association 昭和十六年 - 1941
  14. Osaka Railway School Business Course Graduation Commemoration Watch Fob/大阪第二期業務科卒業記念章

    Reverse 教 - Teaching 大阪第二期業務科 - Osaka 2nd Term Business Course 卒業記念 - Graduation Commemoration
  15. South Manchurian Railway Badge/南満州鉄道章

    About 16.8 mm in length and 15.7 mm in width.
  16. Imperial Railway Association 1936 Dairen General Meeting Commemorative Badge/帝國鐵道協會昭和十一年五月於大連市総會紀念徽章

    See also badge with similar design https://asiamedals.info/threads/manchukuo-1939-productivity-convention-badge.23232/ Photo courtesy of the owner. Suspension 帝國鐵道協會 - Imperial Railway Association 総會徽章 - General Meeting Badge Reverse 帝國鐵道協會 - Imperial Railway Association 第三十三定時総會紀念 -...
  17. Japanese National Railways Distinguished Service Badge/鉄道顕功章

    Established by Japanese National Railways in August 1952. Awarded usually as retirement recognition award. Badge was worn on the left side of the chest between 3rd and 4th button. Technical description. This badge was awarded on October 14, 1969.
  18. Taiwan Railways Administration Meritorious Service Badge/台湾鉄道効績章 

    1st variation marked pure silver. Reverse 臺灣鉄道 - Taiwan Railways Administration 効績章 - Meritorious Service Badge Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  19. Good Attendance Commendation Badge from Tokyo Railway Bureau/東京鉄道局精勤表彰章

    1st variation. Obverse 頌 - Praise; Eulogy reverse 精勤表彰 - Good Attendance Commendation 東京鉄道局 - Tokyo Railway Bureau