japanese railroad badges

  1. Chosen-Manetsu Railways Visiting Group Badge/鮮満案内所 鮮満現察團章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/1930-chosen-manetsu-railways-travel-commemorative-badge.25241/ Obverse Emblems of Manetsu (South Manchuria Railway) and Chosen (Korean) Government Railway. 鮮満現察團 - Chosen-Manetsu Railways Visiting Group reverse 鮮満案内所 - Chosen-Manetsu Information...
  2. Railroad Judicial Police Officer Badges/鉄道司法警察職員の徽章

    Two types of the badge are known. Type 1. Type 2. Original name of the badge 鉄道司法警察職員の徽章 - Railroad Judicial Police Officer Badge. It was worn on the left side of uniform jacket between the 2nd and 3rd buttons. 2nd type was introduced on June 4, 1949. Badges of 2nd type with...