japanese puppet state badges

  1. Manchukuo Imperial Guards Military Review Participation Commemorative Watch Fob/持近師観兵式参加御卒討記念章

    Diameter 25 mm. Thickness 2 mm. Weight 9.87 g. Obverse Portrait of Puyi https://asiamedals.info/threads/emperor-puyi-helmet.25657/ Reverse 御卒討記念 - Imperial Guards Commemorative 持近師観兵式参加 - Participation in the Imperial Guards Division Military Review Ceremony
  2. Taichū Prefecture National Defense Council Badge/台中州国防議会章

    Obverse 國防議會 - National Defense Council Badge reverse 台中州 - Taichū Prefecture
  3. North China Institute of Public Health Badge/内務総署華北衛生研究所章

    Numbered badge. Obverse 内務総署 - General Administration of the Interior [Internal Affairs; Home Affairs] 華北衛生研究所 - North China Institute of Public Health reverse stamped with 72.
  4. 1933 Kindness Day Manchukuo Military Government Badge/大同二年親切日満州国軍政部章

    Plastic badge. Obverse 親切日 - Kindness Day reverse 大同二年 - 1933 軍政部 - Military Government Pin is lost.
  5. 1936 Binxian Stationing Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和十一年夏賓縣駐屯記念章

    Obverse 記念 - Commemorative reverse 昭和十ー年夏 - 1936 賓縣駐屯記念 - Binxian Stationing Commemorative Bin County, or Binxian /simplified Chinese: 宾县; traditional Chinese: 賓縣; pinyin: Bīn Xiàn/, is a county of Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China, it is under the administration of the...
  6. Manchukuo Flag Badges/満州帝国の旗章

    1st type "White band". Reverse 民法大[学] - Civil Law University (when read from right to left 大法民 /Taihō Min/ - Basic Law (The Great Dharma; Great Law of Mahāyāna Salvation). Another scenario: 民法大 is an unknown abbreviation. Stamped with No. 7. Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  7. Stationing in Manchuria Suppression of Bandits Commemorative Watch Fob/討匪記念駐満記念章

    Obverse 駐満記念 - Stationing in Manchuria Commemorative reverse 駐満記念- Suppression of Bandits Commemorative Marked with 瑞 /Mizu/ - lucky; propitious https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-and-watch-fobs-with-mark-mizu.25321/
  8. North China Transportation Company Tribute to the Country Watch Fob/華北交通株式会社運送報国章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/north-china-transportation-company-achievement-badge.25884/ Obverse Emblem of North China Transportation Company reverse 運送報國 - Transporation Service to the Country
  9. Horqin Left-wing Middle Banner Government Office Gift Commemorative Watch Fob/科爾沁左翼中旗公署蒙地奉上紀念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ ᠭᠠᠵᠠᠷ ᠢ ᠳᠡᠭᠡᠭᠰᠢ ᠡᠷᠭᠦᠭᠰᠡᠨ ᠳᠤᠷᠠᠰᠬᠠᠯ = ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠤᠯ ᠭᠠᠵᠠᠷ ᠢ ᠳᠡᠭᠡᠭᠰᠢ ᠡᠷᠭᠦᠭᠰᠡᠨ ᠳᠤᠷᠠᠰᠬᠠᠯ - Mongolia Land Gift Commemorative reverse 蒙地奉上紀念 - Mongolia Land Gift Commemorative /奉上 - to present (something) respectfully; to offer/ 科爾沁左翼中旗公署 - Horqin...
  10. Harqin Left Banner Government Office Award Watch Fob/表彰喀喇沁左旗公署章

    Obverse 表彰 - Award; Commendation reverse 喀喇沁左旗公署 - Harqin Left Banner Government Office Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Harqin Left Banner currently known as Harqin Zuoyi Mongol Autonomous County, commonly abbreviated as Kazuo County, is a Mongolian autonomous county in the west of Liaoning...
  11. Longjiang County Tax Inspector Badge/龍江税務监督署章

    Obverse 龍江税務监督署 - Longjiang County Inspectorate of Taxation /Tax Administration/ punched number 4 on reverse. Longjiang (simplified Chinese: 龙江; traditional Chinese: 龍江; pinyin: Lóngjiāng) is a county in the west of Heilongjiang province of Manchukuo.
  12. Respect for Elders Mengjiang Government Office Badge/蒙江縣公署敬老章

    See Manchukuo analog https://asiamedals.info/threads/respect-for-elders-hulan-prefecture-badge.22438/ Size 40 mm. Obverse 敬老 - Respect for the Elder/Respect for the aged person reverse 康徳七年三月一日 - March 1, 1940 蒙江縣公署 - Mengjiang Government Office.
  13. Volunteer Service Corps Imperial Inspection Commemorative Badge/義勇奉公隊御閲記念章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/yamagata-prefecture-youth-volunteer-army-badge.24282/ Photos courtesy of the owner. Height 35.6 mm. Width 28.4 mm. Weight 8.9 g. Obverse 義勇奉公隊 /Giyū hōkō tai/ - Volunteer [lit. Loyalty and Courage] Service Corps 御閲記念 - Imperial Inspection...
  14. Second Anniversary of China Provisional Government Commemorative Watch Fob/中華民国臨时政府成立二周年紀念章

    1st variation in pure silver (纯银/pure silver). Size 25 mm. Weight 9.3 g. Obverse 紀念 - Commemorative reverse 中華民国二十八年 - 1939 中華民国臨时政府成立二周年紀念章 – Second Anniversary of the Provisional Government of the Republic of China Commemorative Badge 十二月十四日 - December 14 Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  15. Manchukuo Ryukakai /Lunghwa/ Buddhism Association Badge/滿洲國佛教龍華會章

    Obverse 滿洲國 - Manchukuo 龍華會 - Ryukakai /in Chinese: Lunghwa Association/ 佛教 - Buddhism
  16. Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Manchukuo Commemorative Watch Fob/日本滿洲國交樹立記念章

    Reverse 昭和七年九月十五日 - September 15, 7th year of Showa Era = 1932 國交樹立記念 - Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Commemorative 大同元年九月十五日 - September 15, 1st year of Datong Era = 1932
  17. Manchukuo Wound Badges/滿洲傷痍軍人会 血染征衣章

    Gilded metal. Size 34 mm. No.14043 (highest known number for today). No.14020. Obverse 血染征衣 - Blood-stained Military Uniform Original ribbon.
  18. Manchukuo General's Badge/大滿洲帝國 将軍徽章

    Established on June 4, 1936. Original name of the badge 将軍徽章 - General's /Shogun/ Badge. Badge was made in silver. Orchid flower on top was gilded. Orchid leaves along the perimeter of the badge was covered with green enamel and also gilded. The flags were enamelled in colors that match the...
  19. Badge of Unknown Russian Emigrant Organization in Manchukuo

    Specimen from collection of Yuri Kienko. Gilded brass. Screw fastening. Diameter 24.5 mm. Weight (with screw) 5 g. Reverse engraved г. Харбин/city Harbin Г.П./G.P. Source.
  20. Manchukuo-Japan Friendship Business Gift Watch Fob/日満親善事業五大計書章

    Obverse 贈 - Gift reverse 日満親善事業五大計書 - Manchukuo-Japan Friendship Business Five Grand Plans 主催 - Sponsored by 伊勢新聞社 - Ise Shimbun (prefectural newspaper in Mie prefecture)