japanese post badges

  1. Japan Postal Workers' Union Badge/全逓信従業員組合之章

    Reverse 全逓信従業員 - Japan Postal Workers' 組合之章 - Union Badge The Japan Postal Workers' Union /JPU/日本郵政公社労働組合/Zentei was a trade union representing workers at Japan Post. The union was founded in 1946 and soon affiliated to the General Council of Trade Unions of Japan (Sōhyō). One of the first...
  2. Ministry of Communications Diligence Medal/逓信省精勤之章 

    Reverse 精勤之章 - Diligence; Good Attendance Medal/Badge
  3. Japanese Postal Hat Badges/郵便局帽章

    1st type. Marked 古川 - Furukawa Symbol 〒 https://asiamedals.info/threads/symbol-of-japanese-post-yubin-maku-and-its-history.24108/ Different mark. Uniform buttons.
  4. Osaka Central Post Office Superior Postmaster Badge/大阪中央郵便局一日郵便局長記念章

    Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 昭和三十二年 - 1957 一日郵便局長記念 - Superior Postmaster Commemorative 大阪中央郵便局 - Osaka Central Post Office Inscribed inside 大阪中央郵便局 - Osaka Central Post Office 昭和三十二年四月二十二日 - April 22, 1957
  5. National Association of Post Office Directors Badge/全国持定郵便局長会章

    Reverse 全国持定郵便局長会 - National Association of Post Office Directors https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%A8%E5%9B%BD%E9%83%B5%E4%BE%BF%E5%B1%80%E9%95%B7%E4%BC%9A Marked Sterling.
  6. Ministry of Communications "Late" Diligent Service Badges/逓信省勤功章

    Badges have three grades 甲種 - A (silver-colored badge) 乙種 - B (bronze-colored badge) 丙種 - C (bronze-colored badge) In turn every grade has four classes. 一級 - 1st class 二級 - 2nd class 三級 - 3rd class 四級 - 4th class Grade A badges. 2nd class. Reverse 逓信省 - Ministry of...
  7. Ministry of Communications Badge/逓信省章

    Anonymous. Obverse Symbol 〒 https://asiamedals.info/threads/symbol-of-japanese-post-yubin-maku-and-its-history.24108/
  8. Ministry of Communications Perfect Attendance Badges/逓信省皆勤章

    Male version of the badge. 1st variation "early badges". Size 20 mm. Obverse Stylized kanji 皆 for 皆勤 - Perfect Attendance reverse 逓信省 - Ministry of Communications Original line drawing. 皆勤章 - Perfect Attendance Badge 男子用 - For Men Original case. 男子用 - For man 皆勤章 - Perfect...
  9. Ministry of Communications "Early" Diligent Service Badges/逓信省勤功章

    Badges were introduced in 1880. Original line drawing. 1st class badges "purple star". 1st variation. Obverse Symbol 〒 https://asiamedals.info/threads/symbol-of-japanese-post-yubin-maku-and-its-history.24108/ reverse 逓信省 - Ministry of Communications Marked with Ando workshop mark -...
  10. Naval Postal Service Badge

    Accurate attribution is uknown. Obverse Symbol 〒 https://asiamedals.info/threads/symbol-of-japanese-post-yubin-maku-and-its-history.24108/
  11. Outstanding Achievements Badge from Kumamoto Postmaster/1970 熊本郵政局長 優績章

    優績章 - Outstanding Achievements Badge 熊本郵政局長 - Kumamoto Postmaster