japanese police award badge

  1. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Headquarters Superintendent General Diligence Badge/警視総監警視庁精励章

    1st type. Silver, gilt, enamel. Size 23.5 mm. Marked 純銀- pure silver Original case. 警視庁 - Police Headquarters 精励章 - Diligence Badge Original outer cardboard case. 警視庁 - [Tokyo Metropolitan] Police [Department] Headquarters 精励章 - Diligence Badge 警視総監 - Superintendent General
  2. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Officer Award Badges/都民の警官表彰記念章

    The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Officer Award /都民の警察官 , lit. Citizen's Policeman/ was established in 1952. The award is presented annually to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department police officers. A special committee selects outstanding police officers recommended by the Tokyo Metropolitan...
  3. Yokohama City Public Safety Commission Police Excellence Award Badge/横浜市公安委員会警察優良章

    Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 警察優良章 - Police Excellence Award 横浜市公安委員会 - Yokohama City Public Safety commission Original case. 横浜市警察優良章 - Yokohama City Police Excellence Award
  4. Suita City Police Station Meritorious Service Badge/吹田警察署功績章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse Police symbol with a firefighting symbol inside reverse 吹田警察署 - Suita [City] Police Station /Suita is located in Osaka Prefecture, Japan/ 功績章 - Meritorious Service Badge
  5. Hiroshima District Police Academy Regular Course Award Watch Fob/廣島管區警察學校本科賞章

    Size 35 mm. Obverse 賞 - Award Police emblem reverse 廣島管區 - Hiroshima District 警察學校本科 - Police Academy Regular Course
  6. Japanese Police Award Badge/警察庁彰章

    Obverse Japanese police badge 彰 - Award; Commendation Case. Label of Akiba workshop
  7. Chief of the Kajizawa City Police Department Award Badge/鰍沢警察本部長賞章

    Obverse Japanese police emblem reverse 賞 - Award 鰍沢警察本部長 - Chief of the Kajizawa Police Department /Kajizawa is the capital of Ishikawa Prefecture in central Japan/
  8. 1935 Nobutomi Hongo Police Station Martial Arts Diligence Award Watch Fob/乙亥武道精勵本郷本富士署賞章

    Obverse Japanese Police emblem 賞 - Award reverse 乙亥武道精勵 - Itsugai Martial Arts Diligence (Itsugai = 12th term of the sexagenary cycle, i.e. 1935) 本郷本富士署- Nobutomi Hongo Police Station