japanese order in cases for foreigners

  1. Meiji Era 4th class Rising Sun order with a Curved Clutch Fork

    Rare specimen from a personal collection. Awarded to an unknown French cavalier sometime before 1886. Note unusual (most likely French-made) ribbon rosette. Original Japanese-made ribbon was originally issued without rosette since rosette would be introduced by the Imperial Decoration Bureau...
  2. Orders of the Rising Sun in Cases for a Foreigners

    Orders of the Precious Crown in Cases for a Foreigners https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-the-precious-crown-in-cases-for-a-foreigners.27412/ Orders of the Sacred Treasure in Cases for a Foreigners https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-the-sacred-treasure-in-cases-for-foreigners.10900...