japanese newspaper award watch fob

  1. Osaki Times Company Badges and Watch Fobs/大崎タイムス社章

    Obverse 優 - Winner reverse 大崎タイムス社 - Osaki Times Company
  2. Tochigi Shimbun Merit Award Watch Fobs/栃木新聞社功賞章

    The Tochigi Shimbun was a local newspaper in Tochigi Prefecture that was published in Utsunomiya City. It was first published on April 22, 1950, and ceased publication in January 1996. Obverse 賞 - Award 功 - Merit reverse 栃木新聞社 - Tochigi Shimbun
  3. Shimotsuke Shimbun Award Watch Fob/下野新聞株式会社賞章

    Shimotsuke Shinbun is a newspaper based in Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. It was established in 1878. Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 下野新聞株式會社 - Shimotsuke Shimbun Co., Ltd. Original case. 賞 - Award 栃木新聞社 - Tochigi Shimbun Watch fobs were manufactured by the Jinhua workshop...