japanese ministry of education badge

  1. Ministry of Education Youth Training Badges/文部省青年訓練章

  2. 1930 Ministry of Education Commendation Badge/昭和五年十一月二日文部省賞牌 

    Obverse 表彰 - Commendation reverse 文部省 - Ministry of Education 昭和五年十一月二日 - November 2, 1930 Original case. 賞牌 - Award Badge 文部省 - Ministry of Education
  3. 1935 Ministry of Education Youth Award Badge/昭和十年十一月廿二日矢青文部省表彰章

    Obverse 矢青 - Arrow (could be a first letter in the name of the city) Youth 表彰 - Award/Commendation 昭和十年十一月廿二日 - November 29, 1935 文部省 - Ministry of Education
  4. Youth Training Merit Badge from Ministry of Education/文部省青年訓練功労章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/1930-ministry-of-education-commendation-pennant.26821/ Two variations of this badge is known. 1st variation (marked 純銀). Photos courtesy of the owner. Height 26.6 mm. Width 18.1 mm. Weight 11.7 g. Obverse 青年訓練 - Youth Training 功労章 - Merit Badge...