japanese military reservist group membership badge

  1. Kobe City Military Reservists Association Member's Badge/神戸市在郷軍人會員之章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/kobe-city-military-reservists-association-commemorative-badge.24616/ Reverse 神戸市 - Kobe City 在郷軍人會員之章 - Military Reservists Association Member's Badge
  2. Kanazawa Military Reservist Group Membership Badge/明治二十八年十一月創立團金澤在郷軍人団団員記章

    Interesting badge from the period preceding the formation of the Imperial Military Reservist Association. Size 45 x 31 mm. Reverse 明治二十八年十一月創立 - Established in November 1895 金澤在郷軍人團團員記章 - Kanazawa Military Reservist Group Membership Badge
  3. Wakayama City Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Badges/帝国在郷軍人會和歌山市聨合分會役員勤続表彰章

    Thee variations of this badge are known for today. 1st variation. Obverse 旌表 - Commendation Reverse 帝国在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 和歌山市聨合分會 - Wakayama City Branch of Association Details.