japanese medal group

  1. Japanese Medal Bars with Peruvian Orders and Medals

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-officers-with-peruvian-awards.25383/ Excellent group. Order of the Sun of Peru, Knight made by Lemaitre workshop.
  2. Multi-row Japanese Medal Bars

    Unknown colonel (see also https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-ribbon-bars-on-cavaliers.22975/#post-352161) Amazing set of two medal bars with Nomonhan Incident. Note that upper medal hanger is a very rare early type.
  3. Database of Original Japanese Medal Bars

    Details. Reverse of Rising Sun was damaged. Auspecious clouds. Medals.
  4. Japanese Medals Bars with Inner Mongolia National Foundation Merit Medal

    About the medal https://asiamedals.info/threads/mengjiang-autonomous-government-national-foundation-merit-medal.24586/ Nice start.
  5. Database of Original Japanese Ribbon Bars

    Officially established on September 17, 1918 by Cabinet Official Notice No 4. Original name 略綬/ Ryakuju/ lit. "Abbreviated Ribbon". Ribbon color, width and length. 綬色: 本綬に同じ。 綬幅: 本綬に同じ。但し、無綬又は大綬の勲章の場合は功三級勲三等の綬幅に同じ。 綬長: 曲尺三分
  6. Japanese medal bars mounted "im deutschen Stil"

    It is well known fact that during its early days Imperial Japanese Army intensively oriented its organization along Prusso-German lines when building a modern fighting force from late 1870s to about early 1910s . From 1886 to April 1890, it hired German military advisors (Major Jakob Meckel...