japanese imperial navy commemorative medal

  1. Battle of Port Arthur Hero Lieutenant Commander Hirose Takeo Commemorative Paperweight/日露戦争広瀬武夫中佐記念文鎮

    Size 55 mm. Thickness 8.5 mm. Weight 130.6 g. Reverse features a poem by lieutenant commander Takeo Hirose, who wrote it when he boarded the Fukui Maru. 七生報國 一死心堅 再期成功 含笑上船 I will be reborn seven times to repay my debt to the country, I will die with a strong heart. Hoping for success...
  2. 1937 Imperial Navy Large Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和12年帝國海軍大演習参加記念章

    Obverse 帝國海軍 - Imperial Navy reverse 昭和十二年度 - 1937 帝國海軍大演習 - Imperial Navy Large Maneuvers 参加記念 - Participation Commemorative