japanese exposition commemorative badge

  1. 5th National Industrial Exhibition Commemorative Watch Fobs and Badges/明治三十六年第五回内国勧業博覧会協賛會会記念章

    Size 22.5 mm. Thickness 1.5 mm. Weight 5.5 g. Reverse 明治三十六年 - 1903 第五回 - 5th 内国勧業博覧會 - National Industrial Exhibition 記念章 - Commemorative Badge 協賛會 - Support/Sponsorship Society 造幣局製 - Made by the Mint
  2. 1932 Hiroshima Exhibition in Commemoration of 50th Anniversary of the Imperial Rescript to Soldier and Sailors Watch Fob

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/watch-fob-in-commemoration-of-50th-anniversary-of-the-imperial-rescript-to-soldier-and-sailors.22773/ Size 28 mm. Obverse 誠心 - Wholehearted [Devotion] reverse 勅諭下鵙五十周年記念 - The 50th Anniversary of the Imperial Rescript to Soldier 廣島 - Hiroshima...