japanese civil defense badge

  1. Hyogo Prefecture Yamazaki Town Civil Defense Association Award Badge/兵庫県山崎警防協会表彰章

    Obverse Keibodan emblem 表彰 - Commendation reverse 兵庫縣山崎 - Hyogo Prefecture Yamazaki [Town] 警防協會 - Keibō Kyōkai /Civil Defense Association/ Case. Stamp of Sugita Medal Works/杉田徽章製作所/ in Tokyo.
  2. Akita Prefecture Keibodan Continuous Service Badges/秋田縣警防團勤続年章

    Obverse Keibodan emblem 勤続 - Continuous Service reverse and case lid 十年勤続年 - 10 Years of Continuous Service 秋田縣警防團 - Akita Prefecture Keibodan
  3. Greater Japan Civil Defense Association Shimane Prefecture Branch Meritorious Service Badge/大日本警防協会賛助会島根支部功績章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 功績章 - Meritorious Service Badge reverse 大日本警防協會 - Greater Japan Civil Defense Association 島根支部 - Shimane [Prefecture] Branch The pin was installed the wrong way round.
  4. 1938 Yodobashi Ward Keibodan Toyama Branch Diligence Badge/昭和十三年八月淀橋区警防團戸山分團精勤章

    Size 35 х 30 mm. Obverse Tokyo city emblem with an Army star inside 精勤 - Diligence reverse 淀橋区警防團 - Yodobashi Ward /Tokyo/ Keibodan 戸山分團 - Toyama Branch 昭和十三年八月 - August 1938
  5. Kurashiki City Police Superintendent Award Badge/倉敷警察署長表彰章

    Obverse Keibodan emblem at the top 表彰 - Award Police emblem at the bottom reverse 倉敷警察署長 - Kurashiki /city located in Okayama Prefecture/ Police Superintendent
  6. Yamaguchi Prefecture Keibodan Association Long Service Badge/財団法人山口県警防義会勤績章

    Obverse 勤續章 - Continuous Service Badge reverse 財團法人山口縣 - Foundation Yamaguchi Prefecture 警防義會 - Keibō Yoshi-Kai Case with a label of Kyuhodo workshop inside https://asiamedals.info/threads/products-and-marks-of-kyuhodo-workshop-hiroshima.22681/ Case lid without any inscriptions.
  7. Omiya Police Station Keibodan Union Merit Badge/大宮警察署管内警防聨合分會功勞章

    Keibodan badge with similar design https://asiamedals.info/threads/greater-japan-civil-defense-association-saitama-branch-special-merit-badge.24959/ Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 功勞 - Merit reverse 大宮警察署管内 - Omiya Police Station...
  8. Funai District United Keibodan Group Diligence Badge/舩井郡聯合警防團精勤章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 精勤章 - Diligence Badge reverse 舩井郡 - Funai District /Kyoto/ 聯合警防團 - United Keibodan Group
  9. Gifu Prefecture Keibodan Diligence Badge/警防団岐阜県勤労章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse Keibodan emblem + 勤 - Industrious; Diligent + stylized kanji 岐 for 岐阜 - Gifu reverse 勤勞章 - Diligence Badge 岐阜縣 - Gifu Prefecture
  10. Greater Japan Civil Defense Association Nagano Prefecture Branch Merit Badge/大日本警防協会長野県支部功労章

    Obverse 功勞 - Merit reverse 大日本警防協會 - Dai Nippon [Greater Japan] Keibō Kyōkai [Civil Defense Association] 長野縣支部 - Nagano Prefecture Branch
  11. Keibodan Badge/警防團章

  12. Keibodan Merit Badge from the Superintendent of Police/警防團警視總監功勞章

    Obverse 功勞章 - Merit Badge Keibodan emblem. reverse 警視總監 - Superintendent of Police /Chief of Police/ 功勞章 - Merit Badge
  13. Saga Prefecture 1942 Imperial Inspection Commemorative Badge/昭和十七年十月佐賀縣御視閲記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. It could also be related to Civil Defense Corps /Keibodan/ https://asiamedals.info/forums/keibodan-civil-defense-corps-badges.725/ Obverse 御視閲記念章 - Imperial Inspection Commemorative Badge reverse 昭和十七年十月 -...
  14. Air Defense Surveillance Team Badge/防空監視章

    Judging by yellow enameled star this is Keibodan-related badge https://asiamedals.info/forums/keibodan-civil-defense-corps-badges.725/ Obverse 防空 - Air defense 監視 - Surveillance
  15. 9th Branch of Kyobashi Ward Keibodan Diligence Badge/京橋區警防團第九分團精勤章

    Obverse Tokyo city emblem. 精勤章 - Diligence Service reverse 京橋區警防團 - Kyobashi Ward Keibodan 第九分團 - 9th Branch 昭和十四年三月十日 - March 10, 1939
  16. 1942 Saga Prefecture Keibodan Highest Inspection Commemorative Badge/1942年佐賀県警防團御視閲記念章

    Size 39.2 х 30.2 mm. Weight 15.9 g. Obverse 御視閲記念章 - Highest/Imperial Inspection Commemorative Badge reverse 昭和十七年十月 - October 1942 佐賀縣 - Saga Prefecture
  17. Greater Japan Civil Defense Association Saitama Prefecture Branch Highest Inspection Commemorative Badge/昭和十七年大日本警防協会埼玉縣支部御視閲記念章

    Reverse 梨本總裁宮殿下 - His Imperial Highness Prince Nashimoto (Morimasa) 昭和十六年四月二十七日 - April 27, 1941 埼玉縣支部 - Saitama Prefecture Branch 大日本警防協會 - Dai Nippon Keibō Kyōkai /Greater Japan Civil Defense Association/ 御視閲記念 - Highest Inspection Commemorative Original case. 御視閲記念章 - Highest...