japanese buddhist badge

  1. Shingon Daigo School Meeting Badge/真言宗醍醐派親和会章

    Size 47 x 32 mm. Suspension 醍醐派 - Daigo School of 真言宗 - Shingon-shū "True Word / Mantra School" is one of the major schools of Buddhism in Japan and one of the few surviving Vajrayana lineages in East Asian Buddhism. It is sometimes also called Japanese Esoteric Buddhism, or Eastern...
  2. Seichō no Ie Regional Instructor Badge/生長の家地方講師徽章

    Obverse 地講 for 地方講師 - Regional Lecturer reverse Marked 銀製 - pure silver 生長の家 - Seichō no Ie Original case. 生長の家 - Seichō no Ie 地方講師徽章 - Regional Lecturer Badge
  3. Jingū Service Foundation Badges/神宮奉斎会章

    Badges of similar design https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-of-japan-athletic-association.25145/ Jingūkyō /神宮教/ is a sect of Shinto that originated from Ise Grand Shrine, the Ise faith. While it was not included as one of the thirteen sects of prewar Shinto, it possessed characteristics of...
  4. Kobo Daishi 1100 Years Kongōbu-ji Temple Goonki-kyoku Worship Group Member Badge/弘法大師 一千百年御遠忌局参拝団団員章

    Diameter 28 mm. Obverse 弘法大師 一千百年 - Kobo Daishi [Koyasan Shingon sect founder] 1100 years 御遠忌局参拝團 - Goonki-kyoku Worship Group 團員章 - Group Member Badge reverse 高野山 - Koyasan [center of Shingon Buddhism] 總本山金剛峯寺 - Main Kongobu-ji Temple 御遠忌局 - Goonki-kyoku Original case. 高野山 -...
  5. Yasukuni Shrine Eternal Kagura Badge/靖国神社永代神楽之徽章

    Reverse 靖国神社 - Yasukuni Shrine 永代神楽之徽章 - Eternal Kagura Badge Original case.
  6. Sōji-ji Temple Reconstruction Badges/大本山總持寺再建祠堂章

    Sōji-ji /總持寺/ is one of two daihonzan /大本山 - "head temples"/ of the Sōtō school of Zen Buddhism. The temple was founded in 740 as a Shingon Buddhist temple. Keizan, later known as Sōtō's great patriarch Taiso Jōsai Daishi, founded the present temple in 1321, when he renamed it Sōji-ji with the...