japanese badge with horse

  1. 2600th Anniversary of the Japanese Empire All Japan Military Horse Race Commemorative Badges/紀元二千六百年奉祝全日本軍用保護馬継走大騎乗記念章

  2. 11th National High School Equestrian Tournament Higher School of Agriculture and Forestry Watch Fob/第十一回全国高農学校対抗馬術競技大会高等農林学校章

    Reverse 第十一回 - 11th 全国高農学校対抗馬術競技大会 - National High School Equestrian Tournament 高等農林学校 - Higher School of Agriculture and Forestry 2594 - 1934
  3. 4th Kanto Student Equestrian 1934 Championship Game Watch Fob/第四回関東学生馬術争覇戦章

    Reverse 関東 - Kanto 第四回 - 4th 関東學生馬術 - Kanto Student Equestrian 争覇戦 - Championship Game 二五九四 - 1934 Details.
  4. 1st Kansai Student Equestrian Championship Tournament Badge/1938年第一回関西学生馬術 選手権大会章

    Suspension 第一回関西學生馬術選手権大會 - 1st Kansai Student Equestrian Championship Tournament 二五九八= 1938 Obverse 賞 - Award Reverse 第一回 - 1st 関西學生馬術 -Kansai Student Equestrian 選手権大會 - Championship Tournament 皇紀二五九八年= 1938 関西學生乗馬聯盟 - Kansai Student Equestrian Federation