japanese badge with an eagle

  1. Friends of the Military Association Supporter Badge in the form of Golden Kite order/軍友会賛助章

    See also these badges made in the form of Golden Kite order https://asiamedals.info/threads/matsumoto-kobushi-association-badge.29135/ ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/comrades-in-arms-associations-badges.14680/#post-219095. 1st variation. Obverse 賛助 - Support; Patronage 軍友會 - Friends of...
  2. Empire Service Association Badges/皇國奉公會章

    Obverse 皇 from 皇國 - Empire Reverse 皇國奉公會 - Empire Service Association Original case. 會員章 - Membership Badge Approximate size of these badges 19 x 14 mm.