japanese awards

  1. Badges made by Gingando workshop, Osaka/銀眼堂造

    If not the oldest workshop in Japan then definitely one of them. Founded in 1877 (!). 144 years of history ... It continues to successfully operate in our days. https://gingando.jp/ To date two variants of the workshop label have been found. 1st variant. 2nd variant (rubber stamp)...
  2. Badges, watch fobs and labels of Asada workshop/淺田製作所

    Thress variations of workshop label are known for today. 1st variant. 2nd variant. 3d variant.
  3. Badges and watch fobs made by Masuda workshop/株式会社マスダ徽章商会

    Workshop labels. 株式会社マスダ徽章商會 - Masuda Medals Shokai Co., Ltd.
  4. History, badges and labels of Yamagata Motobei workshop/山縣元兵衛

    Between 1933 and 1940 was a member of Rotary International. Source.