japanese army school badge

  1. Army Armor Maintenance School Watch Fob/陸軍機甲整備學校章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 機甲- Armor reverse 陸軍機甲整備學校 - Army Armor Maintenance School 第一次 - 1st Class 牽引車學生 - Tractor Student 2602 - 1942
  2. Army Toyama School Badges and Watch Fobs/陸軍戸山学校記念章

    The beginning of the Toyama Military School is said to be the establishment of the Toyama Branch of Army Cadet School in June 1873, which was built at the site of one of the former town residences of the daimyo of Owari-han, in present day Toyama, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. In February the following...