japanese air defense maneuvers participation badge

  1. 1935 Air Defense Maneuvers Mukojima Ward Air Raid Defense Corps Participation Badge/昭和十年防空演習向嶋區防護團参加章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/1937-mukojima-ward-air-raid-defense-corps-2nd-terashima-branch-diligent-service-badge.29131/ ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/1936-air-defense-maneuvers-mukojima-ward-air-defense-corps-participation-badge.25023/. Size 20 mm. Obverse 向嶋區防護團 -...
  2. 1938-1939-1940 Air Defense Maneuvers Yodobashi Ward Air Raid Defense Corps Participation Commemorative Badge/昭和八・九・十年帝都淀橋區防護團落合第四分團防空演習参加記念章

    1936-1937 Air Defense Maneuvers Yodobashi Ward Air Raid Defense Corps Participation commemorative badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/1936-1937-air-defense-maneuvers-yodobashi-ward-air-raid-defense-corps-participation-commemorative-badge-_.28825/ Obverse Tokyo city emblem with an army...
  3. 1936-1937 Air Defense Maneuvers Yodobashi Ward Air Raid Defense Corps Participation Commemorative Badge/昭和十一・二年度淀橋區防護團落合第四分團防空演習参加記念章

    1938-1939-1940 Air Defense Maneuvers Yodobashi Ward Air Raid Defense Corps Participation commemorative badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/1938-1939-1940-air-defense-maneuvers-yodobashi-ward-air-raid-defense-corps-participation-commemorative-badge-_-_.28826/ Nihonbashi Ward Air Raid Defense...
  4. 1937 Shimotani Ward Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Badge/昭和十二年度東京市下谷区防空演習参加章

    Size 33.44 x 24.16 mm. Weight 9.9 g. Obverse Inside Tokyo emblem 記念 - Commemorative under antiaircraft guns 防空 - Air Defense reverse 防空演習参加章 - Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Badge 東京市下谷區 - Shimotani Ward, Tokyo 昭和十二年度 - 1937
  5. Shinagawa Ward Air Defense Corp 4th Imperial Capital Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Badge/品川區防護團西大崎分團第四回帝都防空演習参加記念章

    3rd Imperial Capital Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/shinagawa-ward-defense-corps-3rd-imperial-capital-air-defense-maneuvers-participation-commemorative-badge.24791/ Obverse 第四回帝都防空演習参加 - 4th Imperial Capital /i.e. Tokyo/ Air Defense...
  6. 1936 Akasaka Hikawa Air Defense Corps Branch Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Badge/昭和十ー年度赤坂氷川分團防空演習参加精勤記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 赤坂氷川分團 - Akasaka Hikawa [Air Defense Corps] Branch Akasaka (including the neighboring area of Aoyama) was a ward of Tokyo City from 1878 to 1947. reverse 昭和十ー年度 - 1936 防空演習参加精勤記念章 - Air Defense...
  7. 1934 Kanto Air Defense Maneuvers Kin Ryū Branch Commemorative Badge/昭和九年金龍分團関東防空演習記念章

    Size 28 mm. Obverse 金 for 金龍 - Kin Ryū /Golden Dragon/ reverse 関東防空演習記念 - Kanto Air Defense Maneuvers Commemorative 金龍分團 - Kin Ryū /Golden Dragon/ Branch 昭和九年 - 1934
  8. 1933 Kanto Air Defense Large Maneuvers Hitaba Branch Participation Badge/昭和八年八月干束分團関東防空大演習参加章

    Obverse 防 - Defense reverse 関東防空大演習参加章 - Kanto Air Defense Large Maneuvers Participation Badge 干束分團 - Hitaba Branch Team /Bundan; Subsection/ 昭和八年八月 - August 1933
  9. 1936 Shinagawa Ward Air Raid Defense Corps Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Badge/1936年品川區防護團防空大演習参加記念章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/1935-three-cities-joint-air-defense-maneuvers-shinagawa-ward-air-raid-defense-corps-participation-badge-1935.27781/ Obverse 参加章 - Participation Badge reverse 皇紀二五九六年 - 1936 品川區防護團 - Shinagawa Ward Air Raid Defense Corps 東大崎分團 - Higashi-Ōsaki...
  10. 1933 Air Defense Maneuvers in Kanto Shinagawa Ward Badges/品川區防護團 関東防空演習参加記念章

    1st variation "Minamishinagawa". Size 45 х 32 mm. Obverse 南品川 - Minamishinagawa /Shinagawa Ward , Tokyo/ reverse 昭和八年 = 1933 品川區防護團南品川分團 - Shinagawa Ward Air Raid Defense Corps Minamishinagawa Branch 関東防空演習参加記念 - Kanto [region] Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Another...