japanese air defense maneuvers badge

  1. Osaka City Minato Ward Ichiokakita Air Defense Corps 1936 Hanshin Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Сommemoration Badge/1936年大阪市港区市岡北防護分團阪神防空演習参加記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Badge with identical design of obverse https://asiamedals.info/threads/1936-joto-air-defense-corps-three-weeks-air-defense-maneuvers-participation-sommemoration-badge-1936.29530/. Obverse 防空演習 - Air Defense...
  2. 1933 Kanto Air Defense Maneuvers Tokyo City Arakawa Ward 3rd Branch Participation Сommemorative Badge/1933年東京市荒川區尾兄第三分團関東防空演習参加記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 関東防空演習参加記念章 - Kanto Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Сommemorative Badge reverse 東京市荒川區尾兄第三分團 - Tokyo City Arakawa Ward 3rd Branch 皇紀二五九三年八月- August 1933
  3. 1932 Air Defense Maneuvers Higashikawa Air Raid Defense Corps Branch Participation Commemorative Badge/昭和七年東川分團度防空演習参加章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/higashikawa-town-branch-of-air-raid-defense-corps-participation-badge.24793/ Obverse 防空 - Air Defense reverse 昭和七年度 - 1932 防空演習 - Air Defense Maneuvers 参加章 - Participation Badge 東川分團 - Higashikawa [Town Air Raid Defense] Corps Branch
  4. 1936 Gunma Prefecture Air Defense Maneuvers Tatebayashi Town Air Defense Corps Commemorative Badge/昭和十一年館林町防護團群馬縣防空演習記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 防 - Defense reverse 昭和十一年 - 1936 群馬縣防空演習記念 - Gunma Prefecture Air Defense Maneuvers Commemorative 館林町防護團 - Tatebayashi Town /located in Gunma Prefecture/ Air Defense Corps
  5. Minami Yahataya Air Raid Defense Corps 1934 Kinki Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Badge/1934年南八幡屋防護分團近畿防空演習参加章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/minami-yahataya-air-raid-defense-corps-participation-badge.28910/ Obverse Emblem of Osaka City Air Raid Defense Corps https://asiamedals.info/threads/osaka-city-air-raid-defense-corps-badges.23260/ 南八幡屋 - Minami Yahataya /Osaka/ 防護分團 - [Air Raid]...
  6. Tokyo City Air Defense Union Visit to Manchukuo Commemoration Badge/1937年東京市連合防護団満州視察記念章

  7. 1937 Shimotani Ward Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Badge/昭和十二年度東京市下谷区防空演習参加章

    Size 33.44 x 24.16 mm. Weight 9.9 g. Obverse Inside Tokyo emblem 記念 - Commemorative under antiaircraft guns 防空 - Air Defense reverse 防空演習参加章 - Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Badge 東京市下谷區 - Shimotani Ward, Tokyo 昭和十二年度 - 1937
  8. Shinagawa Ward Air Defense Corp 4th Imperial Capital Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Badge/品川區防護團西大崎分團第四回帝都防空演習参加記念章

    3rd Imperial Capital Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/shinagawa-ward-defense-corps-3rd-imperial-capital-air-defense-maneuvers-participation-commemorative-badge.24791/ Obverse 第四回帝都防空演習参加 - 4th Imperial Capital /i.e. Tokyo/ Air Defense...
  9. 1936 Akasaka Hikawa Air Defense Corps Branch Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Badge/昭和十ー年度赤坂氷川分團防空演習参加精勤記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 赤坂氷川分團 - Akasaka Hikawa [Air Defense Corps] Branch Akasaka (including the neighboring area of Aoyama) was a ward of Tokyo City from 1878 to 1947. reverse 昭和十ー年度 - 1936 防空演習参加精勤記念章 - Air Defense...
  10. Air Defense Maneuvers Commemorative Badge/防空演習記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 記念章 - Commemorative Badge
  11. 1934 Kanto Air Defense Maneuvers Kin Ryū Branch Commemorative Badge/昭和九年金龍分團関東防空演習記念章

    Size 28 mm. Obverse 金 for 金龍 - Kin Ryū /Golden Dragon/ reverse 関東防空演習記念 - Kanto Air Defense Maneuvers Commemorative 金龍分團 - Kin Ryū /Golden Dragon/ Branch 昭和九年 - 1934
  12. 1933 Kanto Air Defense Large Maneuvers Hitaba Branch Participation Badge/昭和八年八月干束分團関東防空大演習参加章

    Obverse 防 - Defense reverse 関東防空大演習参加章 - Kanto Air Defense Large Maneuvers Participation Badge 干束分團 - Hitaba Branch Team /Bundan; Subsection/ 昭和八年八月 - August 1933
  13. Yamaguchi Prefecture Air Defense School Completion Badge/山口縣防空學校修了之章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse Yamaguchi prefecture emblem /two stylized kanji 山口/ 防空 - Air Defense reverse 修了之章 - Completion Badge 山口縣防空學校 - Yamaguchi Prefecture Air Defense School
  14. 1936 Shinagawa Ward Air Raid Defense Corps Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Badge/1936年品川區防護團防空大演習参加記念章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/1935-three-cities-joint-air-defense-maneuvers-shinagawa-ward-air-raid-defense-corps-participation-badge-1935.27781/ Obverse 参加章 - Participation Badge reverse 皇紀二五九六年 - 1936 品川區防護團 - Shinagawa Ward Air Raid Defense Corps 東大崎分團 - Higashi-Ōsaki...
  15. 1935 Three Cities Joint Air Defense Maneuvers Shinagawa Ward Air Raid Defense Corps Participation Badge/1935年三市聯合防空大演習参加章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/1936-shinagawa-ward-air-raid-defense-corps-air-defense-maneuvers-participation-badge-1936.27782/ Obverse 参加章 - Participation Badge reverse 昭和拾年七月 - July, 1935 三市聯合防空大演習 - Three Cities Joint Air Defense Maneuvers 品川区防護團 - Shinagawa Ward Air Raid...
  16. 1936 Tokyo United Air Defense Corps Propaganda Parade Participation Commemorative Watch Fob/1936年東京聯合防護團防空宣傳催物行列行進参加記念章

    Even the dog and horse are wearing gas masks. Size 25 mm. Reverse 昭和十ー年六月二十七日二十八日 - June 27th and 28th, 1936 防空宣傳 - Propaganda/Promotion of Air Defense 催物行列行進参加記念 - Commemoration of Participation in the Parade 東京聯合防護團 - Tokyo United Air Defense Corps
  17. 1937 Toyosaki Youth League Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Badge/昭和十二年七月豊崎㐧六青年團防空演習参加章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 防空演習 - Air Defense Maneuvers 参加章 - Participation Badge reverse 昭和十二年七月- July 1937 豊崎㐧六青年團 - Toyosaki [Osaka City] 6th [Group/Team] of Youth League (see also...
  18. Yokohama City Naka Ward Air Defense Corps Ōoka Joint Group Badge/横濱市中區防護團大岡合分團徽章

    Another badge of Yokohama City Naka Ward https://asiamedals.info/threads/1936-yokohama-city-naka-ward-air-defense-corps-officer-preparatory-training-badge-a.27535/ Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 横濱市中區防護團 - Yokohama City Naka Ward Air...
  19. 1936 Yokohama City Naka Ward Air Defense Corps Officer Preparatory Training Badge/昭和十一年横浜市中區防護團幹部備習修ア章

    Another badge of Yokohama City Naka Ward https://asiamedals.info/threads/yokohama-city-naka-ward-air-defense-corps-ooka-joint-group-badge.27536/ Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 横浜市中區防護團幹部備習修ア章 - Yokohama City Naka Ward Air Defense Corps...
  20. 1933 Kanto Large Air Defense Maneuvers Aoki Union Participation Badge/昭和八年八月 關東防空大演習参加記青木聯合會章

    See also another badge with similar design https://asiamedals.info/threads/1936-yokohama-city-naka-ward-air-defense-corps-officer-preparatory-training-badge-a.27535/ Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 關東防空大演習参加記青木聯合會 - Kanto Large Air...