japan national defence badge

  1. Japan Defense Ski Qualification Badge/日本国防スキー 適任章

    With the entry to the Second Sino-Japanese War Japanese government limited the citizenʼs life style, sports, and entertainment. Voluntarily refrain was called for, and ski was no exception since it was already established as a mean of entertainment. During this change, the idea that ski should...
  2. National Defense Nagasaki Prefecture Branch Badge/國防長崎縣章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 國防 - National Defence 長崎縣 - Nagasaki Prefecture Badge
  3. Kogata National Defense Volunteer Team Badge/小型國防義勇團章

    Obverse 小型 - Kogata Around the perimeter 國防 - National Defense 義勇團 - Volunteer Team