japan and manchukuo commemorative watch fob

  1. 15th Infantry Regiment Machine Gun Squad 1934 Manchukuo Service in the Army Commemorative Watch Fob/康徳元年歩兵第十五連隊機関銃隊從軍記念章

    Size 45.8 x 34.4 mm. Weight 28.3 g. Obverse 從軍記念 - Service in the Army Commemorative reverse 康徳元年 - 1st year of Kangde era = 1934 歩兵第十五聯隊 - 15th Infantry Regiment 機関銃隊 - Machine Gun Squad
  2. Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Manchukuo Commemorative Watch Fob/日本滿洲國交樹立記念章

    Reverse 昭和七年九月十五日 - September 15, 7th year of Showa Era = 1932 國交樹立記念 - Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Commemorative 大同元年九月十五日 - September 15, 1st year of Datong Era = 1932