imperial visit commemorative badge

  1. 1934 Soldiers Hall Imperial Visit Commemorative Badge/昭和九年六月十二九日軍人会館行幸記念章

    See also Originally construction of the Soldiers Hall /a.k.a Military Hall, Military Personnel Hall or Ex-soldiers Hall/軍人会館/Gunjin Kaikan was planned as...
  2. 1st Infantry Battalion Independent Guard Imperial Visit Commemorative Badge/獨立守備歩兵第一大隊御巡狩紀念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 御巡狩紀念 - Imperial Visit Commemorative [巡狩 (archaic, of an emperor) to embark an inspection tour of the realm, literally "touring and hunting"] reverse 獨立守備 - Independent Guard 歩兵第一大隊 - 1st Infantry Battalion 昭和九年十一月 - November 1934
  3. 1936 Army Special Large Maneuvers in Hokkaido Imperial Visit Commemorative Badge/北海道特別大演習 行幸記念章

    Obverse 行幸記念 - Imperial Visit Commemorative reverse 昭和十一年 - 1936 行幸記念 - Imperial Visit Commemorative 北海道特別大演習 - Hokkaido Special Large Maneuvers
  4. Imperial Visit to Naval Academy Commemorative Watch Fob and Table Medal/海軍兵学校 行幸記念章

    Obverse 行幸記念 - Imperial Visit Commemorative 昭和十一年十月 - November 1936 reverse 海軍兵学校 - Naval Academy Original case.