imperial russia jetons

  1. 1891 In Memory of Tsarevich Nicholas Visit to Hankou Gold Jeton/Жетон в память посещения цесаревичем Николаем Ханькоу в 1891 году

    Interesting jeton that was made in commemoration of the Eastern journey of Tsesarevich of Russia (future Nicholas II) in 1890–91 around the greater part of the Eurasian continent. The total length of the journey exceeded 51 000 kilometers, including 15 000 km of railway and 22 000 km of sea...
  2. Prize Jeton of the Society of Purebred Dog Lovers/Призовой жетон общества любителей породистых собак

    Silver, oxidation, gilding, enamel. Size 39.0 × 27.0 mm. Weight 15.81 g. Unmarked. Obverse "Приз в память В.Н.Бера 1903 г./Prize in memory of V.N. Ber 1903" ( Viktor Nikolaevich Ber (10.24.1845, the Meshkovo estate of the Saratov district and provinces. - 1.15.1901, St. Petersburg), Privy...
  3. Moscow Horse-Drawn Railway Main Network Jeton/Жетон главной сети конно-железной дороги в Москве

    Gold, enamel. Assay mark 56 for gold and OR /ОР/ or OV /OВ/. The Moscow horse-drawn railway or konka was built in 1872 for the opening of the Moscow Polytechnic Exhibition, commemorating the bicentenary of the birth of Peter the...