imperial military dog association badge

  1. Special Skills Award Badge from Tokyo Branch of Imperial Military Dog Association/財団法人帝国軍用犬協会東京支部特良賞章

    Reverse 特良賞 - Special Skills Award /良 - good, pleasing, skilled/. 財團法人 - Foundation 帝國軍用犬協會 - Imperial Military Dog Association 東京支部 - Tokyo Branch Original case.
  2. Imperial Military Dog Association Badge/財団法人帝国軍用犬協会章

    Anonymous badge. Only emblem of the Association and Chinese guardian lion /石獅; shíshī; also known in colloquial English as lion dogs or foo dogs/.
  3. 1938 Imperial Military Dog Association Merited Dog Badge/財団法人帝国軍用犬協会功犬章

    13th Annual Practice Imperial Military Dog Association, May 1938. Case. 功犬章 - Merited Dog Badge 財團法人 - Foundation 帝國軍用犬協會 - Imperial Military Dog Association
  4. Imperial Military Dog Association Excellence Award Badge/財団法人帝国軍用犬協会優良賞章

    Reverse 優良賞 - Excellence Award 財團法人 - Foundation 帝國軍用犬協會 - Imperial Military Dog Association
  5. 1942 Training Skills Convention Badge/訓練技能大会章

    Obverse Emblem of Imperial Military Dog Association reverse 訓練技能大會 -Training /Drill; Practice/ Skills Convention /General Assembly/ 2602 - 1942