imperial japan military dog association badge

  1. 10th Anniversary of Imperial Japan Military Dog Association Founding 1941 Military Dog Exhibition Obidome/1941年帝国軍用犬協会創立十周年記念軍用犬展覧会帯留め

    Obverse Emblem of Imperial Japan Military Dog Association reverse 創立十周年記念 - 10th Anniversary of Founding 軍用犬展覧會 - Military Dog Exhibition 財團法人帝國軍用犬協會 - Foundation Imperial...
  2. 2nd Military Dog Competitive Tournament Gift Watch Fob/第二回軍犬耐尺競技大會主催帝國軍用犬協會九卅支部後援第十二師團贈章

    Obverse Emblem of Kyushu Nippo newspaper with 九 in center for 九州 - Kyushu. reverse 贈 - Gift 九卅日報 - Kyushu Nippo /Kyushu Nippo was a Japanese daily newspaper that was published from 1887 until 1942. It was sold all over Kyushu, mainly in Fukuoka Prefecture. It is one of the predecessors of...
  3. Imperial Military Dog Association Unique Skills Award Badge/財団法人帝国軍用犬協会特有技能賞章

    Suspension 特有技能 - Unique/Specific Skills Award obverse stylized emblem of Imperial Military Dog Association reverse 財團法人 - Foundation 帝國軍用犬協會 - Imperial Military Dog Association Badge without suspension. Reverse 財團法人 - Foundation 帝國軍用犬協會 - Imperial Military Dog Association Badge...
  4. 4th Military Dog Exhibition of Imperial Japan Military Dog Association Participation Watch Fob/財団法人帝国軍用犬協会第四回軍用犬展覧会参加章

    Size 41 x 35 mm. Weight 25.3 g. Watch fobs were made by Satō Shōgo workshop in Tokyo Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 第四回軍用犬展覧會 - 4th Military Dog Exhibition 財團法人 - Foundation...