imperial japan badge

  1. 1938 National Defense Relay Race Tournament Participation Badge/1938年町村青年代志國防継走大會参加章

    Size 33.78 х 25.45 mm. Reverse 西濃一市五郡 - Five Districts of Seinoichi City 町村青年代志 - Towns and villages Youth Aspirations 國防継走大會 - National Defense Relay Race Tournament 参加章 - Participation Badge 二五九八年 - 1938 主催 - Organized by 岐阜縣 - Gifu prefecture 大阪毎日新聞社 - Osaka-Mainichi-Shimbun
  2. Fakes and Replicas of NCO Diligent Service Badge

  3. National Defense Donation Commemorative Badge/國防献金記念章

    Size 18.5 mm. Reverse 國防献金紀念 - National Defense Donation [Monetary Contribution] Commemorative
  4. Hokkaido Factory Association Award Badge/北海道工場協会 表彰章 

    Obverse 表彰 - Commendation; award reverse 北海道工場協會 - Hokkaido Factory Association/Union
  5. 1913 Special Large Maneuvers Participation Commemoration Watch Fob/大正弐年特別大演習 参加記念章

    Obverse 特別大演習 - Special Large Maneuvers 参加記念 - Participation Commemoration reverse 大正弐年 - 1913 獨立野戦重砲兵第一大隊 - Field Heavy Artillery 1st Independent Battalion
  6. Badges of Great Japan Private Hygiene Association/大日本私立衛生會章

    Dainippon Private Hygiene Association was established on February 18, 1883 and held its first general meeting on May 27 of the same year. Main mission - prevention of infectious diseases (such as cholera, tuberculosis, etc). In 1898 it became incorporated association/社団法人. In December 1931...
  7. Aviation Industry Women Supporters Association Badges/航空事業婦人後援會章

    Obverse 航空 - Aviation Original case. Badge was made by Sanbon workshop in Tokyo Thanks to original insert we now know that this is a membership badge of Aviation Industry Women Supporters Association/航空事業婦人後援会.
  8. Great Japan Weapons Corporation Badges/大日本兵器株式会社章

    Reverse 大日本兵器 - Great Japan/Dainippon Weapons 模範章 - Exemplary/Model [Employee] Badge
  9. Badges of East Asia League/東亜聯盟協会章

    No. 7050 Obverse 東亜聯盟 - East Asia League/Tōa Renmei reverse 東亜聯盟協會 - East Asia League Association/Tōa renmei kyōkai + punched number 7050
  10. Technical Skills Badges of Army Weapons Administration Headquarters/陸軍兵器行政本部技能錬成競技章

    Badges were issued by Army Weapons Administration Headquarters to the winners of skill training competition that was held every six months "with the aim of improving the technical skills of the arsenal workers and preparing them for efficient use of these skills in the battlefield". Army Weapons...
  11. Dainippon Air Defense Association President Inauguration Ceremony Badge/財團法人 大日本防空協會 總裁宮殿下 奉戴式章

    Celluloid badge. Obverse 總裁宮殿下 - His Imperial Highness the President 奉戴式 - Reverential Acceptance/Dedication/Inauguration Ceremony 財團法人 - Foundation 大日本防空協會 - Dainippon Air Defense Association
  12. Shitaya Ward Badges for Participants of Air Defense Maneuvers in Kanto/関東防空演習下谷區防護團参加記念章

    This design was used for badges issued by Shitaya Ward to participants of air defense maneuvers in Kanto area during 1930s. In 1936 badge with similar design was commissioned by Arakawa Ward Air Raid Defense Corps...
  13. Badges of Kawamata Medal Works, Tokyo/川又徽章製作所

    Standard workshop label. 川又徽章製作所 - Kawamata Medal Works 朝日堂 - Asahi-dō [Asahi/朝回 could be translated as morning sun]
  14. Badges and Watch Fobs of Automobile Associations and Unions/自動車業組合章

    Reverse 東京中野自動車業組合 - Tokyo Nakano /special ward in Tokyo/ Automobile Association 表彰 - Commendation Details.
  15. Merit Badges from Tokyo Self-Government Appreciation Conferences/東京市 功勞自治感謝之會章

    See also 1934 badge. Obverse 自治 - Self-Government Reverse 第二回功勞自治感謝之會 - 2ndSelf-Government Appreciation of Meritorious Service Conference 東京市 - Tokyo City Original case...
  16. Badges and Medals by Onishi Kinryodo, Tokyo/大西錦綾堂

    This workshop was active during Taisho/early Showa period of time. This is how its main store on Ginza looked like durind 1930s/1940s. On the left side of the street :wink3: Sign reads 金銀器 大西錦綾堂 - Gold and Silverware Onishi Kinryo-do. Workshop label.
  17. Badges manufactured by Asahi Medal Works, Tokyo/アサヒ徽章製作所

    Catalogues. Catalogue №1 buckle. Award and commemorative cups.
  18. Badges of Sanbon Company, Tokyo/サンボン商會

    Two newspaper advertisements of this workshop from 1921. サンボン商會 - Sambon company Similar advertisement from June 1921.
  19. Undefinable Japanese Air Defense Badges

    Badges of this "family" bear only 防空 - Air Defense or 国防 - National Defense 1st stamp variation. 2nd stamp variation.