imperial japan army badge

  1. Military Service Association Badge/戦歴会章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 戰歴會 - Military Service/Combat Experience Association
  2. 1932 Army Special Large Maneuvers Shigita Youth League Imperial Security Guard Commemorative Badge/昭和七年十一月新喜多青年團御警備陸軍特別大演習行幸記念章

    Size 34.5 x 23.4 mm. Obverse 御警備 - Imperial Security Guard reverse 陸軍特別大演習行幸記念 - Army Special Large Maneuvers Imperial Visit Commemorative 昭和七年十一月 - November 1932 新喜多青年團 - Shigita Youth League Marked 銀 - silver.
  3. Army Reserve Officer's Training Association Member's Badge/陸軍予備講習会会員章

    Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner. Size 23 mm. Obverse 會員章 - Member's Badge reverse 陸軍 - Army 豫備講習會 - Reserve [Officer's] Short Course/Training Association
  4. Five Principles of the Soldier Discharged from Military Service Commemorative Watch Fob/軍人勅諭満期紀念章

    Obverse 満期紀念章 - Discharged from Military Service Commemorative Badge reverse 五ヶ条 - Five Articles /Five Principles of the Soldier/ of Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors...
  5. Two Japanese Pilot Badges Owned by the Same Pilot

    Right one 陸軍飛行機操縦徽章 - Army Pilot's Badge left one 下士官用操縦徽章 - Non-commissioned Officer's Pilot Badge
  6. Keijo Army Volunteers Supporter's Association Army Soldiers Training Center Graduation Commemorative Watch Fobs/京城府陸軍兵志願者後援会陸軍兵志願者訓練所修了記念章

    1940 watch fob. Obverse 訓 for 訓練所 - Training Center reverse 陸軍兵志願者訓練所第五回修了記念 - Army Soldiers Training Center 5th Graduation Commemorative 贈 - Gift 京城府陸軍 - Keijo (Seoul) Army 兵志願者後援會 - Volunteers Supporter's Association 2600 - 1940
  7. Imperial Army Border Guard Commemorative Badge/皇軍国境警備記念章

    Obverse 皇軍 - Imperial Army reverse 國境警備記念章 - Border Guard Commemorative Badge Engraved 田崎武男 - Takeo Tasaki
  8. 1938 Japan Defense Ski Qualification Badge/皇紀二五九八年日本国防スキー 適任章

    With the entry to the Second Sino-Japanese War Japanese government limited the citizenʼs life style, sports, and entertainment. Voluntarily refrain was called for, and ski was no exception since it was already established as a mean of entertainment. During this change, the idea that ski should...
  9. NCO Diligent Service Badges made by Kobayashi Matashichi workshop

    Lid stamped with 下士勤功章 - NCO Diligent Service Badge Manufacturer ink stamp inside, 東京 - Tokyo 小林又七製 - Made by Kobayashi Matashichi
  10. Manufacturers of Japanese Army Proficiency Badges

    Army Marksmanship Badge manufacturers. Munitions Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Tokyo Original case for the 2nd class badge. 軍需品製造株式會社 - Munitions Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 東京 - Tokyo
  11. Imperial Japan Army General Staff Continuous Service Badges/参謀本部勤続記章

    Type A badge. Reverse 勤續記章甲 - Continuous Service Badge A 参謀本部 - General Staff
  12. 26th Field Artillery Regiment Watch Fob/龍山野砲第二十六聯隊章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 野砲第二十六聯隊 - 26th Field Artillery Regiment 龍山 - Longshan
  13. 1st Class Special Officer Candidates of Tachiarai Army Flight School Pilot Badges/大刀洗陸軍飛行学校第一期特別幹部候補生章

    The Tachiarai Army Flight School opened in 1940 and trained many pilots who took part in kamikaze operations in the last year of the war. The Tachiarai Flight School had a branch school in Chiran (Kagoshima Prefecture), where many Army pilots departed to make suicide attacks on the American...
  14. Army Field Artillery School Watch Fob/陸軍野戰砲兵學校章

    Obverse 野戰砲兵學校 Field Artillery School
  15. 1936 Kumagaya Army Flight School Graduation Commemorative Pilot Badge/第二期操縦生徒熊谷陸軍飛行学校卒業記念章

    See also Reverse 2596 = 1936 卒業記念 - Graduation Commemorative 熊谷陸軍飛行学校 - Kumagaya Army Flight School 第二期操縦生徒 - 2nd Class of Pilot Trainees (school was established in 1935) Engraved 齋藤 - Saitō
  16. Stationing in Manchuria Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs/満州駐屯紀念章

    See also Obverse 満州駐屯紀念 - Stationing in Manchuria Commemorative reverse In Japan dragonfly often used as a symbol of bravery. The Japanese believed (mistakenly) that the dragonfly does not fly...
  17. 1932 Army Special Large Maneuvers Imperial East Residence Guarding Team Commemorative Badge/陸軍特別大演習官東居衛團行幸記念章

    Obverse In seal script 奉迎 - Welcome reverse 陸軍特別大演習- Army Special Large Maneuvers 行幸記念 - Imperial Visit Commemorative 官東居衛團 - Imperial East Residence Guarding Team 昭和七年拾壹月 - November 1932 Marked with 純銀 - pure silver and Ikoma workshop maker's mark...
  18. 1921 Army Special Large Maneuvers Nihonbashi Ward Accommodation Commemorative Watch Fob/陸軍特別大演習日本橋區第六部旬志章

    Obverse 陸軍特別大演習 - Army Special Large Maneuvers Inside the scroll 宿管記念- Accommodation Commemorative 大正十年十一月 - November 1921 reverse 日本橋區第六部旬志 - Nihonbashi Ward (Tokyo) 6th Section Shunshi
  19. 1935 Army Special Large Maneuvers Kagoshima Prefecture Imperial Visit Security Guard Commemorative Badge/ 昭和十年鹿児島縣陸軍特別大演習並地方行幸衞警備記念章

    Badge with identical design and inscriptions but issued by Miyazaki Prefecture See also...
  20. Army Martial Arts (Budo) Award Watch Fobs/陸軍武道章

    Obverse 武 for 武道 - Martial Arts /Budō/ reverse 大正十五年 - 1926 第八師團 - 8th Division 競技大會 - Tournament