greater japan air defense association badge

  1. Dainippon Air Defense Association Ordinary Member Badge/大日本防空協会普通会員章

    Badge that could be easily confused with supporting member's badge Designs of both badges are identical, only reverse inscriptions are different. Late war badge in light alloy and instead of...
  2. Dainippon Air Defense Association Honorary Member Badge/大日本防空協会名誉會員会章

    Cupronickel, paint. Reverse (and case lid) 名譽員會章 - Honorary Member Badge 財團法人 - Foundation 大日本防空協會 - Dainippon Air Defense Association
  3. 1943 Dainippon Air Defense Association Ibaraki Branch Imperial Review Commemorative Badge/昭和十八年五月二十日茨城県支部大日本防空協会御視閲記念章

    See also badge issued by Ibaraki Prefecture Keibodan Branch Size 35 x 28 mm. Reverse 御視閲記念 - Imperial Review Commemorative 茨城縣支部 - Ibaraki Branch...
  4. Dainippon Air Defense Association Yamanashi Prefecture Branch Merit Badge/大日本防空協会山梨縣支部鰍澤部会功勞章

    Obverse 功勞 - Merit reverse 大日本防空協會 - Dainippon Air Defense Association 山梨縣支部 - Yamanashi Prefecture Branch 鰍澤部會 - Kajikazawa Town Branch of Association Interesting that 部 is actually stamped over different kanji. Case with label of Naigai Medal Co.
  5. Dainippon Air Defense Association Supporting Member Badge/大日本防空協会賛助会員章

    Badge size varies between 18 and 20 mm. "Early" badges. 1st variation. Reverse 賛助員會章 - Supporting Member of Association Badge 財團法人 - Foundation 大日本防空協會 - Dainippon Air Defense Association Hot enamel + light metal alloy. Original case. Size 55 x 45 mm. Another example of 1st...
  6. Osaka Air Defense School Badge/大阪防空学校章

    Obverse 防空 - Air Defense 大阪防空学校 - Osaka Air Defense School