governor-general of taiwan

  1. Taipei City West Branch of Greater Japan National Defense Women's Association Badge/大日本國防婦人会台北市西分会章

    Specimen from the collection of National Museum of Taiwan History. Diameter 22 mm. Weight: 4.4 g. Obverse 台北市西分会 - Taipei City West Branch.
  2. Taichū Prefecture National Defense Council Badge/台中州国防議会章

    Obverse 國防議會 - National Defense Council Badge reverse 台中州 - Taichū Prefecture
  3. 1931 Award Medal from Tainan Prefecture/昭和六年台南州表彰章

    Obverse 表彰 - Award; Commendation reverse 昭和六年 - 1931 臺南州 - Tainan Prefecture Tainan Prefecture /臺南州 = 台南州 - Tainan-shū/ was one of the administrative divisions of Taiwan during the Japanese rule. The prefecture consisted of modern-day Tainan City, Chiayi City, Chiayi County and Yunlin County.
  4. Commendation Commemorative Badge for Musha Incident Suppression from Governor-General of Taiwan/臺灣總督府 霧社事討伐紀念 表彰章

    The Musha Incident also known as the Wushe Rebellion began in October 1930 and was the last major uprising against colonial Japanese forces in Japanese Taiwan. In response to long-term oppression by Japanese authorities, the Seediq Indigenous group in Musha (Wushe) attacked the village, killing...