фредерик адольф гольштениус

  1. Order of Saint George for 25 Years of Service made by Frederick Adolf Golshtenius workshop /F•H/

    Orders of Saint Alexander Nevsky made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...ederick-adolf-golshtenius-workshop-foh.25627/ Orders of Saint George made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop...
  2. Orders of Saint Vladimir made by Frederick Adolf Golshtenius workshop /F•H/

    Orders of Saint Alexander Nevsky made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-saint-alexander-nevsky-breast-star-made-by-frederick-adolf-golshtenius-workshop-foh.25627/ Orders of Saint George made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop...
  3. Orders of Saint George made by Frederick Adolf Golshtenius workshop /F•H/

    Orders of Saint Alexander Nevsky made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...ederick-adolf-golshtenius-workshop-foh.25627/ Orders of Saint Vladimir made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop...
  4. Orders of Saint Stanislaus made by Frederick Adolf Golshtenius workshop /F•H/

    Orders of Saint Alexander Nevsky made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-saint-alexander-nevsky-breast-star-made-by-frederick-adolf-golshtenius-workshop-foh.25627/ Orders of Saint George made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop...
  5. Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky Breast Star made by Frederick Adolf Golshtenius workshop /F•H/

    Privately commissioned breast stars made by St.Petersburg workshop of Frederick Adolf Golshtenius /Фредерик Адольф Хольстениус (Гольштениус)/. Circa 1840s-1860s. 1st variation. Silver, gilding, gold, enamel. Size 82.5 x 82.4 mm. Weight 52.20 g. Plate marked with "F•H".
  6. Orders of Lion and Sun made by Frederick Adolf Golshtenius workshop /F•H/

    Orders of Saint Alexander Nevsky made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...ederick-adolf-golshtenius-workshop-foh.25627/ Orders of Saint George made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop...