фрачник ордена андрея первозванного

  1. Miniatures of the Order of St. Andrew the First Called

    Dubious pieces, copies and fakes https://asiamedals.info/threads/fakes-copies-for-the-collectors-and-dubious-miniatures-of-st-andrew-the-first-called-order.26850/ Order of St. Andrew the First Called inside an impressive group of miniatures. Gold, enamel.
  2. Miniature Groups from the collection of State Historical Museum

    Group of miniatures that allegedly belonged to Lieutenant General of the Don Cossack Army Ivan Efremovich Efremov (Иван Ефремович Ефремов; 1774 - October 4, 1843). Gold, silver, metal, enamel. Length 54 mm. St.Anna order, St.Vladimir order and medal “In Memory of the Patriotic War of 1912”...
  3. Miniature Riband Bar of Duke William of Brunswick with Order of Saint Andrew

    Miniature riband bar of Duke William of Brunswick (1830-84) with badges of orders suspended from, and stars of orders attached to, a gold bar: Brunswick, Order of Henry the Lion; Prussia, Order of the Black Eagle; Austria, Order of St Stephen; Imperial Russia, Order of St Andrew; Great Britain...