dobrolyot badge

  1. Round Badges of Dobrolyot with stars around the perimeter/Круглые знаки Добролёта со звёздами по периметру

    1st variation. Silver, gilt, enamel. Marked with maker's mark "ВХП/VHP" and Moscow district assay office silver hallmark of shovel form from 1908+ time period [delta, kokoshnik facing right, 88].
  2. Diploma "To a Friend of the Air Fleet, Dobrolyot Shareholder"/Грамота "Другу воздушного флота, акционеру "Добролета"

    Such dimplomas were issued together with these badges Size 41 x 27 cm. Diploma to Mikhail Isaakovich Hollandskyi. Badge No. 3826. Standard text. “The Russian Society of Voluntary Air Fleet “Dobrolet”, represented by...
  3. Award Badge of the Dobrolyot/Почётный жетон Добролёта (a.k.a. Наградной знак Добролёта)

    Official original name of this badge "Почётный жетон "Добролёта"/"Dobrolyot" Honorary Jetton (Watch Fob)" see Badge was designed by famous Russian...