In the first post-war years Decoration Bureau of the Cabinet Office issued medals on a dark blue ribbon with an unusual (wide instead of a typical narrow) bars and with kanji 賜 - received [by]/granted [to] on their reverses (regular medals on a dark blue ribbon have no inscriptions)...
About mark ヒ
Dark Blue Ribbon medal marked ヒ awarded on November 22, 1920.
darkblueribbonmedalofhonordarkblueribbonmedalofhonor marked hi
darkblueribbonmedalofhonor marked ヒ
japanese medal marked ヒ
japanese medal with mark hi
1942 darkblueribbonmedalofhonordarkblueribbonmedalofhonordarkblueribbonmedalofhonor marked m
japanese medal marked m
japanese medalofhonor
mark m
Japan Mint started to use these marks in 1979.
The following (constantly updated) table includes all currently known time coordinates for these marks.
AC - June 28, 1979
AB - November 28, 1979
BA - February 27, 1980
AJ - April 26, 1980
BB - April 26, 1980
AL - April 29, 1980
AL - May 28...
japan mint marks
japanese medal
japanese medalofhonor
japanese medal with mark
japanese medals marks
japanese order with mark
japanese orders marks
letter-digit marks on japanese orders and medals
marked japanese medal
marked japanese order
two-letter marks on japanese orders and medals